Dell Uses 'Apples to Apples' Comparison to Show How Its PCs are Better Than Macs

Along with Microsoft, Dell has also erected a page up on its website comparing Apples to Apples.

Dell pits its Studio 15 and 17 laptop line up against the equivalent MacBook Pro model and its desktop offerings up against the Mac Mini and iMac.

Not surprisingly, the Dell machines come out radically cheaper, especially when it comes to the laptops. Dell even compares some of the pre-loaded loaded software that between the machines in a Windows Live Essentials vs. iLife showdown.

What isn't compared, however, are the more technical aspects, such as battery life, size and weight, display panel type and resolution, among other things.

Check out Dell's comparison site here or the screen captures below.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • jonpaul37
    LOL, PC united!
  • Well, that makes me even more proud of my Studio 1555.
  • flightmare
    Kind of odd why they display 'buy now' right next to the savings instead of the original price. Now they look more expensive while quickly reading the page.
  • The question remains, how much is that Apple logo worth?
  • smeker
    Its interesting there is nothing about built quality.

    Both Toyota and Lexus cars have wheels, doors, seats, and engine but Lexus is Lexus.

  • nekatreven
    This is a mistake. Way to acknowledge the competition there guys! There is a reason that when Pepsi's ads poke at Coke, Coke asks who Pepsi is.
  • kristoffe
    apple laptops are made for people who believe in excess and have very large ego problems. our world sits around us crumbling, and people starving, stealing, dying, yet people have the audacity to purchase 2 or 3 apple media products and laim they are necessities. some of these people are 'urban planners'. boo. save some of that money and help yourself or those in need.
  • smeker
    kristoffeapple laptops are made for people who believe in excess and have very large ego problems. our world sits around us crumbling, and people starving, stealing, dying, yet people have the audacity to purchase 2 or 3 apple media products and laim they are necessities. some of these people are 'urban planners'. boo. save some of that money and help yourself or those in need.
    The hypocrite speaks....

    What kind of shoes are you wearing and what do you drive to work... Do you know where all those products you use are made?

  • partytime
  • omenowl
    I tried to customize it and it gave me this message
    "We're sorry, but we are unable to process your request. The product or offer you are attempting to locate is no longer available."

    Way to go Marketing advertise a product I can't buy. The time to buy a mac is when they refresh the line else you have 3-6 months of price drops by other OEMs. At the end of the day buy what you like and enjoy because it is something you will probably use every day for the next few years.

    What is not factored into the cost though is the tech support. I would love to see the comparison between customer satisfaction between Apple where you can call or go to a local store and other OEMs who send you off to India.