'Fallout 4' Pip-Boy App Available On iOS, Android, Windows Phone; Launch Trailer Released

The hype train for Fallout 4 rolls on, and one of its final stops before release comes as a one-two punch. The Pip-Boy app second-screen experience is available on iOS, Android, and Windows Phone, and Bethesda has also released the launch trailer.

The Pip-Boy app was announced in June during Bethesda's E3 press conference in conjunction with the much sought-after Pip-Boy edition, which would allow the user to put their smartphone inside a replica of the Pip-Boy to simulate the in-game device. Of course, if you weren't one of the lucky fans who were able to get the Pip-Boy edition, you can still use the app to manage your inventory, listen to the in-game radio, or cycle through your quests. Obviously, you can't use the app to its full abilities without the game, but at least you'll have something to look at between now and November 10.

As for the launch trailer, it presents a more story-centric look of the game. We've known for quite some time that the Boston Wasteland (aka the Commonwealth) is home to the Institute, a group that produces androids or "synths." However, most of the human residents of the Boston area are against the idea of these human-like machines and will do anything to stop them.

Aside from presenting a rough outline of the story, the trailer also features more views of the Wasteland and combat against both humans and mutated monsters. However, the trailer also provides a glimpse of the game's female main character. As this is the first Fallout game to feature voices for the protagonist, both the male and female leads take turns in showing us what to expect in the harsh New England environment.


Rexly Peñaflorida II is a Contributor at Tom’s Hardware. He writes news on tech and hardware, but mostly focuses on gaming news. As a Chicagoan, he believes that deep dish pizza is real pizza and ketchup should never be on hot dogs. Ever. Also, Portillo’s is amazing.

Follow Rexly Peñaflorida II @Heirdeux. Follow us on Facebook, Google+, RSS, Twitter and YouTube .

  • clonazepam
    I'm really trying to exercise some self-control here and this video isn't helping! The review embargo lifts just 12 hours before release, so here's hoping there's a few really bloated save files out there that tell us all what we really need to know!
  • alidan
    I'm really trying to exercise some self-control here and this video isn't helping! The review embargo lifts just 12 hours before release, so here's hoping there's a few really bloated save files out there that tell us all what we really need to know!

    dude, people are streaming it and constantly leaking more and more, anything specific you want to know and ill see if i can answer it in a non spoiler way.
  • clonazepam
    I'm really trying to exercise some self-control here and this video isn't helping! The review embargo lifts just 12 hours before release, so here's hoping there's a few really bloated save files out there that tell us all what we really need to know!

    dude, people are streaming it and constantly leaking more and more, anything specific you want to know and ill see if i can answer it in a non spoiler way.

    Witcher 3 was great, but one thing that really tarnished the whole experience was early crashes. It conditioned me to save constantly. Known as "save scumming". Its also used to negate some of the effect of playing on the hardest difficulty. Anyway, I regularly lost of ton of progress early on with Witcher 3, so I think my save folder was over 1GB in size by the end of it, to give you an idea how bad I got lol.

    I'd like to avoid that behavior, but also the symptoms that led to it in the first place.
  • alidan
    16898936 said:
    I'm really trying to exercise some self-control here and this video isn't helping! The review embargo lifts just 12 hours before release, so here's hoping there's a few really bloated save files out there that tell us all what we really need to know!

    dude, people are streaming it and constantly leaking more and more, anything specific you want to know and ill see if i can answer it in a non spoiler way.

    Witcher 3 was great, but one thing that really tarnished the whole experience was early crashes. It conditioned me to save constantly. Known as "save scumming". Its also used to negate some of the effect of playing on the hardest difficulty. Anyway, I regularly lost of ton of progress early on with Witcher 3, so I think my save folder was over 1GB in size by the end of it, to give you an idea how bad I got lol.

    I'd like to avoid that behavior, but also the symptoms that led to it in the first place.

    well there are two things you can do, first would be save over the same thing multiple times, but i think the game crashed on him a few times during stream, granted we also think the stream could have been pre recorded and that's what the long pauses where, switching videos.
  • mrmike_49
    downloaded the app to my Galaxy S5, looks cool, but as expected, the print is pretty small. I think a phone ~1" larger would make a big difference for my vision
  • Warsaw
    Did anyone notice those facial animations? Hmmm....
  • 17seconds
    This game just keeps looking better and better. I'm much more happy with the updated graphics in this trailer than the previous ones.
  • 80-watt Hamster
    16901283 said:
    Did anyone notice those facial animations? Hmmm....

    Yeah. Hoping it's just an A/V sync issue with the uploaded video, because that's some of the worst lip-flap matching I've seen outside of a dubbed foreign-language film.
  • alidan
    16903011 said:
    This game just keeps looking better and better. I'm much more happy with the updated graphics in this trailer than the previous ones.

    unless the guy streaming was lying, expect ps4 graphics and be pleasantly surprised by the draw shadow draw distance on the pc... game is apparently VERY un optimized straight from the get go... i cant say im shocked, just disappointed... im wondering what i will need to turn off for the game to run well.
  • 17seconds
    According to this bit from Bethesda's Fallout 4 graphics page, consoles and other non-Nvidia systems might be challenged with some of the more advanced graphics settings. The mention of "hardware tessellation" and volumetric lighting is a big red flag for AMD cards and the AMD based consoles.

    "As always, our world features fully dynamic time of day and weather. To create that volumetric light spilling across the scene (sometimes called “god rays”) we worked with our friends at NVIDIA, who’ve we worked with dating back to Morrowind’s cutting-edge water. The technique used here runs on the GPU and leverages hardware tessellation. It’s beautiful in motion, and it adds atmospheric depth to the irradiated air of the Wasteland."