Turbo Drive: Two Dual Boards with 2000 MHz

Intel 815E Or VIA 694XDP?

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ChipsetIntel 815EVIA Apollo Pro 133AIntel 820Intel 840Intel 440BXIntel 440GX
ReleaseJune 2000November 1999November 1999October 1999April 1998June 1998
CPU platformSocket 370Slot 1/Socket 370Slot 1/Socket 370Slot 1Slot 1/Socket 370Slot 1/Slot 2
Multiprocessor supportyesyesyesyesyesyes
NorthbridgeIntel 82815VIA VT82C694XDPIntel 82820Intel 82840Intel 82443Intel 82446
SouthbridgeIntel 82801BAVIA VT82C686BIntel 82801AAIntel 82801AAIntel 82371EBIntel 82371EB
System bus clock (FSB)66/100/133 MHz66/100/133 MHz66**/100/133 MHz100/133 MHz66/100/133* MHz66/100 MHz
Memory clock66/100/133 MHz66/100/133 MHz66**/100/133 MHz100/133 MHz66/100/133 MHz66/100 MHz
Asynchronous memory clockyesyesnononono
33 MHz PCI @ 133 MHz FSByesyesyesyesnono
FSB Overclocking***up to 166 MHzup to 160 MHzup to 155 MHznoup to 155 MHzno
max. number of DIMM or RIMM slots342444
max. Memory512 MB1536 MB1024 MB2048 MB1024 MB2048 MB
VC-SDRAM supportnoyesnononono
DDR-SDRAM supportnononononono
RIMM support (Rambus)nonoyesyesnono
Dual Rambus supportnononoyesnono
Number of USB ports442222
Number of IRQs for PCI slots656644
Integrated graphics coreyesnonononono
AGP 1x / 2x / 4xyes / yes / yesyes / yes / yesyes / yes / yesyes / yes / yesyes / yes / noyes / yes / no
ACPI featuresyesyesyesyesyesyes

* overclocked** not specified*** depends on clock controller

This table shows a comparison of the most important dual CPU chipsets. Production of Intel 440BX and Intel 440GX has already been discontinued.

The table above lists the features of the most important chipsets offering multi-processor support. The latest candidate is the Intel 815E which, initially, was not designed for use as a dual platform. Rather, Intel was pinning its hopes on the Rambus-based chips i820/Camino and i840/Carmel which were, however, not accepted on the market because of their high price levels. What other options does a PC manufacturer have if he wishes to configure a powerful dual CPU system? At the moment, there are two low-cost solutions for equipping a board for dual operation with Pentium III. On the one hand, the VIA Apollo Pro 133A chipset can be installed in a special dual variant (Northbridge VT82C694XDP) or, alternatively, one reverts to the slightly more expensive Intel 815E which is, however, only capable of managing 512 MB of main memory.