Deep Silver Announces Saints Row IV Collector's Edition, Called 'Super Dangerous Wub Wub Edition'

Saints Row fans have spoken, and Deep Silver has responded.

A few months ago, Deep Silver set out a survey asking fans to state what they would pay money for in a collector's edition version of Saints Row IV. Today, the publisher unveiled the Saints Row IV Super Dangerous Wub Wub Edition as the results of the survey.

Clocking in at $99, the bundle includes everything in the Commander in Chief preorder edition along with a Johnny Gat statue, a Dubstep Doomsday button, and a 12" Dubstep gun. Yes, this pack is more than appropriately named.

Saints Row IV will be available at retail on August 20th, 2013 for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC in North America. The game will release on August 23rd for the rest of the world.

  • tarzan2001
    I really enjoyed Saints Row: The Third! I hope this next installment will be even crazier and more fun!
  • amdfangirl
    Saints Row 3 was one of the few games I could actually say I enjoyed playing... for once.
  • zeek the geek
    Please realize that this game is no longer being done by THQ, for all we know this next installment will be utter garbage... I CAN ONLY HOPE that deep silver maintains the Saints Row series we have all come to love and play!
  • Johnny_C13
    10921617 said:
    Please realize that this game is no longer being done by THQ, for all we know this next installment will be utter garbage... I CAN ONLY HOPE that deep silver maintains the Saints Row series we have all come to love and play!

    Deep Silver is simply the publisher (just as THQ was)... Volition is still the developer, so technically it should be fine.
  • mobrocket
    Saints Row = the Naked Gun version of GTA
    that is why its so damn fun
  • matt_b
    10921957 said:
    10921617 said:
    Please realize that this game is no longer being done by THQ, for all we know this next installment will be utter garbage... I CAN ONLY HOPE that deep silver maintains the Saints Row series we have all come to love and play!

    Deep Silver is simply the publisher (just as THQ was)... Volition is still the developer, so technically it should be fine.

    Not to mention the game was pretty much already completed before the acquisition, minus finishing touches. It's a shame really, THQ had a lot of good potential this year had they made it through, looking forward to SR IV.

  • ojas