Professional Video Conferencing: Logitech QuickCam Orbit

Instant Messaging Coming Soon

Apart from the hardware and the internet connection, videoconferencing requires communication software. The most widespread has to be Microsoft NetMeeting, which comes with the Windows package, though not systematically preinstalled. If so, it may be wise to download a later version (free of charge) from the publisher's site.

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However, NetMeeting is not so easy to implement and is gradually being overtaken by instant messaging programs such as MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger (delivered with XP and including the best part of the NetMeeting interface and functions for videoconferencing), Yahoo Messenger, etc.

These were not originally intended as videoconferencing wares. Instant messaging programs are mainly designed for sending and receiving written messages. The system is not unlike SMS exchanges, except that connected speakers converse in real time and that two or more can talk and ask others to join in.

The features race to attract the customer has led to the development of higher versions, which now include sound and video pictures. This in turn has led to products that are easy to use and cost-free and that we can't do without.

Having realized this, Logitech joined with Microsoft to develop the videoconference facet of MSN Messenger. This is why the Orbit's installation CD provides a link to the publisher's French site where you can find version 6.1 of the famous instant messaging system, which is of course fully compatible with the Logitech device.