Apple Punches Through Psystar's Ch. 11 Stay

Psystar filed for bankruptcy at the end of May, temporarily slowing down legal proceedings with Cupertino-based Apple. All legal actions involving Psystar were put on hold while the company began proceedings with bankruptcy courts.

A couple of weeks after Psystar filed for Chapter 11, Apple accused the company of hiding behind bankruptcy rather than facing up to the consequences of copyright infringement. The Cupertino-based company filed a motion to have its case against Psystar continue and according to AppleInsider, Apple’s efforts were successful.

Psystar’s Chapter 11 filing blamed mounting legal fees for having to file for bankruptcy in the first place. ChannelWeb reports that the company estimated its total debt at more than $250,000, about a third of which is payable to its legal firm Carr & Farrell.

  • captaincharisma
    can't blame apple. they smell Psystar's blood so time to go in for the kill
  • ohim
    fuk apple :) ...and their rebranded PCs with own OS that`s not a PC but costs shitloads of more monney compared to a PC.
  • hellwig
    Copyright infringement, where? That's like saying a book store can't sell books they already paid for. Apple got their money for their copyrighted software fair and square. First-sale doctrince says Psystar can re-sell the software if they want to. The only thing Psystar did was violate the EULA, which is NOT copyright violation. Considering you can't read Apple's EULA without opening the software anyway, its not even a binding contract.
  • antilycus
    gotta love capitalism, when u can get sued out of business for trying to take a slice out of someone's monopoly. And before you start trying to gnaw at my balls, the only computer you are LEGALLY able to install MAC OS X on is an APPLE computer. That's a freaking MONOPOLY, okay not really, but kind of.
  • Shadow703793
    ^Violating the EULA is NOT copyright violation.
  • cielmerlion
    As much as I would love to agree with antilycus and his monopoly statement, i have to say that it is no a monopoly to want your own operating system on your "own" hardware. You dont see blackberry's OS on windows mobile phones for example.
  • reddozen
    You obviously have no clue what you're talking about...

    1) What people find to be "inferior" is their hardware with is generally speaking, outdated and overly expensive to update / upgrade.

    2) Monopoly, no... Arrogant, yes.

    3) Windows a train wreck? Hardly... OSX is a decent OS, but it's no godsend. It's NOT immune to viruses, and it DOES have bugs in the system. I'm sure if windows was only built to work perfectly on predefined hardware sets that it would work flawlessly too.

    4) Name 1 thing that you can do on your $1,000+ mac that I cant do on any $400~$600 PC? Anything you can name is purely software based and has nothing to do with the computer. There are windows variants / substitutions for any product you can name.

    The simple fact is that macs are grossly overpriced for what their capability is...

    Mac OS X v10.5.6 Leopard: $129.00
    Vista Ultimate 64: $174.99

    Now why is it that Windows costs more, yet I cant get a computer for cheaper utilizing it? *cough*Apple Tax*cough*

    If apple wants to step up, pull it's head out of it's own @$$, then I would consider it as a viable option for a computer. Until I can freely install OSX on whatever machine I want without Apple's hammer thumb getting in my way, then it will be ignored by me and my entire family. My step mother (a graphics designer) has already ditched her beloved mac for a PC, and her workmanship has yet to be challenged. I'll make apps for mac based systems cause I like money, but I'll never own one.
  • deathblooms2k1
    etichi Microshit built their product off of a train wreck.
    See what he did there? Classy stuff.
  • rhys216
    Small companies like this should get legal aid from tax payers in such a circumstance. Seems like a big company like Apple can bankrupt a company out spite with ease, simply by forcing them to incur legal fees!

    Now it seems Apple is simply not happy with causing bankruptcy, and is VISCOUSLY still going for this companies blood!

    Shame on Apple!
  • captaincharisma
    9125446 said:
    Small companies like this should get legal aid from tax payers in such a circumstance. Seems like a big company like Apple can bankrupt a company out spite with ease, simply by forcing them to incur legal fees!

    Now it seems Apple is simply not happy with causing bankruptcy, and is VISCOUSLY still going for this companies blood!

    Shame on Apple!

    why? its the small company that started this mess and found out going halfway threw the trial they were not really able to afford to go threw with it. why should taxpayers pay these companies that do not know what they are getting into?

    as for mac OSX. Apple made it so they can do whatever they want with it and if i were them i would tell these babies if you don't like it then f off.