Serious Sam Humble Weekly Bundle to Fund Serious Sam 4

This week's Humble Bundle features Croteam and Devolver Digital's old school first person shooter series Serious Sam.

That means for this whole week, every Serious Sam game is up for purchase for a low, low price. However, the Humble Bundle is holding Serious Sam 2 and Serious Sam 3: BFE back as collateral. Paying above the average, which stands at $4.20 at the time of this article, will yield both games.

Seeing as each of these games is going for more than $5.99 on Steam, paying $5 for all these games is a steal. And the money raised for this bundle will be going towards the next game in the series, Serious Sam 4.

  • alidan
    sadly i have all the games... i love them all... can't wait for 4,
  • ET3D
    I wish they'd create a Kickstarter project.
  • alidan
    10933242 said:
    I wish they'd create a Kickstarter project.

    there have been some bad sam games, i wont buy anything unless i have a clear understanding of what it is, so in this case i wouldn't fund a serious same i know nothing about
  • xkm1948
    Already have Serious Sam 1,2nd encounter and 3. Will buy 2 to support them!
    Croteam RULES! Their love for PC gaming is exactly what we need!
  • TheMentalist
    Croteam Ownes!
  • 4745454b
    I'm in. Been meaning to check these out and looks like now is the time.
  • hasten
    Link fail? ...although we should all know if by now. Just lazy (me).
  • nolarrow
    Scooooooped! So pumped. TY Toms, came super close to pulling the trigger on SS3 with a 75% off coupon this last week. Now I got the entire franchise for $4.34 - 100% contribution to charity. props. Like most steam / humble sales I'll probably play one of these games for a few hours then never again :(
  • alidan
    if you are only going to go for a few hours, i suggest the first and second encounter... it will make you tear up that we dont have games made like that anymore.
  • tomfreak
    10935601 said:
    Scooooooped! So pumped. TY Toms, came super close to pulling the trigger on SS3 with a 75% off coupon this last week. Now I got the entire franchise for $4.34 - 100% contribution to charity. props. Like most steam / humble sales I'll probably play one of these games for a few hours then never again :(
    I'll rather go 100% to developer, without money how would u expect them to develop next gen title?
