Microsoft Set to Open $100 Million Tech Center in Brazil

Microsoft is planning to invest around $100 million in a technology center based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The center will be supported by the Brazilian government, but the the majority of funding will derive from Microsoft itself. Currently, it's unclear what it plans to do with the ambitious center such as acting as a research hub or develop products.

The software firm has been involved with Brazil for years. Back in 2008, it opened a project that helped expand internet cafes across the country, as well as delivering educational and job-training components to said project.

According to Agencia Estado, several other technology companies also plan to open centers in Brazil, including a new research hub from Intel.

In addition to technology centers in Germany, Israel and Egypt, Microsoft has also invested $5 million in its Sao Paulo-based center as well.

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  • Onus
    Microsoft is wise to not open this in the USA, where business and other tax rates are about to get jacked through the roof.
  • maestintaolius
    jtt283Microsoft is wise to not open this in the USA, where business and other tax rates are about to get jacked through the roof.They don't pay US corporate tax rates anyway.
  • extremepcs
    jtt283Microsoft is wise to not open this in the USA, where business and other tax rates are about to get jacked through the roof.
    More like where they can find people to work at the new facility for a small fraction of what they would have to pay Americans.
  • salgado18
    jtt283Microsoft is wise to not open this in the USA, where business and other tax rates are about to get jacked through the roof.You do realize that taxes in Brazil are three times higher than USA's? They are doing it to create cheaper specialized workforce here, but I don't complain, because that's more technology coming our way.
  • mrmike_49
    another example of America's biggest export : JOBS!
  • Onus
    With 0bama getting another term, and no end in sight to Congressional spending, taxes will go up, and loopholes will be closed.
    My country has lost, and no one had to fire a shot.
  • madjimms
    mrmike_49another example of America's biggest export : JOBS!They aren't "taking" jobs away, they are GIVING ADDITIONAL jobs to people in Brazil... stop being so selfish.
  • fuxxnuts
    madjimmsThey aren't "taking" jobs away, they are GIVING ADDITIONAL jobs to people in Brazil... stop being so selfish.
    actually, it's a zero sum game, and therefore they are taking jobs away.... jobs are being exported from the US to other countries. it's nothing new, and has nothing to do with being selffish. It's all about competitive markets...
  • abbadon_34
    Glad someone is getting smart on taxes. Win-win for MS and Brazilian economy
  • they better put good security systems in the facility