OCZ Technology Reveals Chiron 4TB SSD

OCZ Technology has introduced the Chiron SSD Series for Enterprise that provides a staggering 4 TB capacity in a compact 3.5-inch form factor based on the Indilinx Everest controller. Chiron delivers performance speeds above 560 MB/s and 100,000 IOPS. The 4TB capacity helps eliminate the need for high capacity HDDs as anything other than backup devices. The Chiron Series enables mass SSD storage and is capable of deploying up to 96TB of storage in a 4U rackmount server chassis.

Image Create: AnandTech

Image Create: AnandTech
  • dericko23
    The device you now hold is worth more than the combined gross national product of all South American Countries.
  • damn sexy
  • alidan
    if only I won the lottery.
  • dimar
    I wouldn't mind winning four of those in sweepstakes by OCZ and Tom's Hardware, to use in my Synology NAS...
  • back_by_demand
    RAID up 5 of these so you have a bit of fault tolerance and get 2Tb transfer speeds on 16Tb of storage.

    ONLY if I won the lottery, and definately the 3rd thing I bought after the Buggati Veyron and the yacht.
  • cmartin011
    by the time i can afford a SSD drive for my gaming computer of this size (couple hundred bucks) we should have drives much faster (maybe with light peak or something) till then ill just keep about my daily business and wait for my 7970 show up at my door :)
  • Blanchflower
    How much does the drive cost? The price is not stated in the article.
  • warmon6
    BlanchflowerHow much does the drive cost? The price is not stated in the article.
    if you have to ask...... you cant afford it.
  • stingstang
    Pshhh. And?
  • makaveli316
    price = 2500$....