Microsoft Launches Office for iPhone

Microsoft has finally announced the availability of Office Mobile for iPhone users. Redmond revealed the news via its Office News blog, explaining that the release of Office Mobile is part of its commitment to delivering regular updates and new capabilities to Office 365 users. As such, the application will be free to those that already subscribe to Microsoft's Office 365 online services suite (Office 365 Home Premium costs $100, or $10 per year).

Using the app, iPhone users will be able to view, edit, share, and create documents straight from their phone. Microsoft's announcement pushes consistency in a big way, harkening back to its recent ad campaign where it slammed Google Docs for messing up formatting for users. The company says support for charts, animations, SmartArt graphics and shapes will keep formatting and layout intact when iPhone users are viewing, editing, or adding comments. 

While Office Mobile for iPhone is free for Office 365 users, there's no option to purchase the app if you don't subscribe to Office 365. Check out the demo below for a taste of what Office on your iPhone looks like.

  • stevejnb
    About bloody time... Of course, I'm not holding by breath for even half way decent integration with Skydrive and whatnot. Can't get any of that stuff to work together half decently on Android (and yes, I know Android doesn't have proper office, but I still can't get many programs to work together half decently with Skydrive) and I doubt I'll find better here.
  • nbelote
    The real solution to people that have issues with phones without Office and Skydrive integration: buy a Windows Phone.
  • macpeteo
    What about an app for the iPAD, if you have an iPhone, it's very likely that you also have an iPad!
  • JPNpower
    I'm.... I'm... shocked. Why do people want office on a friggering phone!
  • stevejnb
    10970252 said:
    The real solution to people that have issues with phones without Office and Skydrive integration: buy a Windows Phone.

    My phone is a Lumia 900 for precisely that reason. That being said, I can understand someone wanting an Android or iPhone ahead of a Windows phone in almost every other area. Kind of lacking on the apps/features front and doesn't allow access to the file system like Android devices.
  • ikaz
    I wonder if they will have it for Ipad I know that talk smack about the iphone not having power point in there comerical for surface device.
  • jn77
    No one gets the scam here. Microsoft wants you to pay a monthly subscription for this. Office 365 is just like Adobe is doing with Photoshop. You rent the software each month. Microsoft is not "charging you" for the use of the mobile version office directly, you are paying for it through your Office 365 subscription anyay.

    I will pass.
  • Vorador2
    I read a review on other site. It surely won't put out of business other mobile office suits.

    Not only requiring an office 365 subscription, but also the feature set is pretty limited. It is better than Google Drive, but just barely.
  • ubercake
    MS really needs to put their money where their mouths are. My old Windows 7 phone with MS Office couldn't even display word documents properly. Maybe they put more effort into the iPhone edition since more people are using iPhones?
  • Victor Martinez
    Or you can use android or IOS and the office suite that google provide with drive, for the best part of time you not need advanced features. And its free and work in whatever desktop you have. IOS + Office (you pay double) Windows + Office (better option) Android + Drive (free option) you choose...