Seagate Now Shipping 2nd-Gen Solid State Hybrid Drive

Monday Seagate said that it began shipping its second-generation 2.5-inch solid-state hybrid drive, the Momentus XT, deeming it as the company's fastest drive ever for personal laptop computers. That's because it comes equipped with double the NAND flash than what was available on the first-generation drive, now packing 8 GB of Single Level Cell NAND. Seagate also cranked up the disk capacity to 750 GB while keeping the drive's pricetag hovering at a not-too-shabby $245 USD.

Joni Clark, Seagate's product marketing manager, said on Tuesday that the company switched NAND flash vendors for this model, thus the new drive will have 1.5 times better performance than the first-generation model. The company also switched out the drive's interface, replacing the slower SATA 3 Gbps connector with a zippier SATA 6 Gbps pipeline. This makes the new model 70-percent faster than its predecessor and up to three times faster than a traditional 750 GB hard disk drive.

Also new to the table is what Seagate calls FAST Factor technology. This feature "blends the strengths of SSDs and hard disk drives" and enables faster access to applications, quicker bootup and higher overall system speed. There's also "tweaked" Adaptive Memory technology which identifies data usage patterns, and then moves the most frequently retrieved information to solid state memory for faster access. It effectively tailors hard drive performance to each user and the applications they use over the course of three boot-ups.

Clark said that the new drive will write data on the hard drive platters first and then to the NAND so that data isn't lost if the NAND happens to fail. "If the NAND ever fails, you'll still have a perfectly good 7,200rpm hard drive," she said. "You'll still be able to boot up just like a regular hard drive, but you won't be able to take advantage of the NAND flash."

The Seagate product marketing manager also added that the company conducted performance tests against an Intel consumer-class 320 series SSD. Intel's drive beat Seagate's hybrid on boot times only by two seconds. "The Intel SSD works out to $490 for 160 GB," she said. "Ours costs [$245] for 750 GB. For those two seconds [better boot up time], you'll end up paying an extra $300."

On Tuesday Seagate said that seven original equipment manufacturers are gearing up to ship laptops packing the new Momentus XT drive. It's now available for consumers at online retailers Amazon, Canada Computers, CDW, Memory Express, NCIX, Newegg, and TigerDirect. But buyer beware: Seagate's new second-generation Momentus XT is a 4K sector drive, and will not play nice with Windows XP or earlier operating systems that only support 512 Kb drives ("tuning" instructions are here). However Apple's Mac OS and recent Linux distributions are equipped to work with 4K drive sectors.

  • robisinho
    I thought hard drives at that capacity were going for way less.

    Intel SSDs are a crappy comparison price wise. You could get those two seconds from less cost by pairing a 128GB SSD with a half tb $100 drive for maybe $50 more.
  • de5_Roy
    $245 for a 750 gb drive with 8 gb flash cache... it's cheaper compared to a fullblown ssd but too costly for a hard disk drive of the same capacity. besides i heard a rumor that this drive was supposed to be priced much less then got bumped up because of thailand's flood.
  • AndrewMD
    @de5_roy - The floods in Thailand has effect a number of manufactures including Toyota, Mitsubishi, Honda, Western Digital, Asus, and others that do much of their manufacturing.
  • vilenjan
    WTB a desktop 3.5 variant that uses a sngle 1tb platter and 16gb SSD cache. AMD and older (pre z68) Intel users would love these drives :P
  • jacobdrj
    Price is too darned high... SSD cache is too darned low...

    Dang those floods... When will manufacturers learn to diversify their supply chains... Hire some freggin logtistics people, sheesh...
  • danwat1234
    This new Momentus XT beats a 600GB Velociraptor! Pretty impressive and makes sense. It would be exciting if Atom netbooks started using these drives instead of slow 1-platter 5400RPM drives that they usually come with.
    Good for desktops too.
  • jacobdrj

    I agree, but the price makes using these in netbooks prohibitive...
  • kyuuketsuki
    vilenjanWTB a desktop 3.5 variant that uses a sngle 1tb platter and 16gb SSD cache. AMD and older (pre z68) Intel users would love these drivesThat would be whenever they roll out the Barracuda XT.
  • jacobdrj
    jacekringI want to see this as a 500gig 10k rpm drive with 32gigs of cache. With both smart cache and "reserve" cache. So if I want, I can move specific files/apps to the cache regardless of what I use the most...This way you could move your OS to the cache permanently, and a few games or apps you use sparsely (or recently installed) but want to boot fast when you do and have the rest of the cache be smart and self allocate as needed.But how do you do that without breaking partition information? If someone can figure out how to make this an option, but keeping it idiotproof... you have quite a product on your hands...
  • wiyosaya
    I can't say I would spend that much for this drive. If it had maybe 64GB SSD, I might. Personally, I think I would be much better off buying a 64 GB SSD and an 2TB SATA drive. I could easily do this for this price and end up with enough pocket change for a good game.