Steve Jobs Talks MSFT, Google, and Foxconn

Steve Jobs took to the stage yesterday at the All Things Digital D8 conference. During his interview with Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, the Apple CEO had plenty to say regarding tablets, iPhones and the PC industry. However, one of the more interesting things discussed was Apple's ongoing rivalry with Google and the great platform war with Microsoft.

Steve, Kara and Walt were yesterday talking about how Steve spent a great deal of his career fighting Microsoft and discussed all the platforms around today. Aside from Microsoft and Apple, they hightlighted Android, Chrome OS, even Facebook. Mossberg said that they see it as sort of a platform war and asked Steve if he agreed.

Steve replied, "No. And I never have. We never saw ourselves in a platform war with Microsoft, and maybe that's why we lost."

When Walt and Kara asked Steve about another well known competitor, Google, Steve responded by saying Google decided to compete with them, not the other way around.

"So you just woke up one morning and heard about Android?" asked Walt. "Kinda," Steve said.

The next part is probably the weirdest thing to come out of Jobs' mouth all night. Walt if he felt betrayed by the whole thing and Steve responded with, "My sex life is pretty good." It got huge laughs from the audience but still, very weird.

Walt and Kara also asked Steve about his relationship with Google, pushing him to comment on their rivalry by asking, "Are you going to remove them from the iPhone?"

Steve replied, 'No, we want to make better products then them. … Just because we're competing with someone doesn't mean we have to be rude."

Read more about Steve's D8 interview over on Engadget or head over to the D8 website and check out all the clips of the Q&A session with Jobs.

  • bustapr
    Stevie was smokin some weed, he was spaced out lol. I bet his sex life is good...his wife is HOT!
  • Ragnar-Kon
    ^ And apparently my lazy afternoon makes me too lazy to check my spelling. *shrug*
  • Ragnar-Kon
    Haha, love the part when Jobs says, "And we did something interested for Apple, we made it open-source." Made my lazy afternoon somewhat funny.
  • _Cubase_
    "Just because we're competing with someone doesn't mean we have to be rude." I'm sure the folks at Adobe would agree 100% with that. :/
  • nforce4max

    Get the the shrink!
    I think we'd all feel better about all of this sweatshop, suicide, Adobe flash and MSFT talk if Apple gave everyone a free iPad.
  • touchdowntexas13
    _cubase_"Just because we're competing with someone doesn't mean we have to be rude." I'm sure the folks at Adobe would agree 100% with that.
    Yeah adobe would probably disagree with that comment as of late. Microsoft should also really be disagreeing with that comment after all of the pc-bashing commercials apple let out of the gate.
  • False_Dmitry_II
    LORD_ORIONI think we'd all feel better about all of this sweatshop, suicide, Adobe flash and MSFT talk if Apple gave everyone a free iPad.
    Dude, I don't even want a free iPad...
  • liquidsnake718
    The article states that it references foxconn, in the actual content, I dont think Foxconn was even mentioned.....
  • kelemvor4
    False_Dmitry_IIDude, I don't even want a free iPad...I'd take one. There's a sucker with an ebay account born every minute, and they'd be bidding on it!