Crysis 2 Multiplayer Demo Coming to PC

Last week EA and Crytek announced that a playable multiplayer demo of Crysis 2 was heading exclusively to Xbox LIVE Gold members on January 25. The news was rather disappointing given that the highly-anticipated shooter is heading to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows PC platforms on March 22.

But like with many multi-platform game launches, it seemed that Xbox 360 gamers were in the Preferred Members club with their early hands-on while PC gamers were left salivating over screenshots out in the cold. Heck, even PS3 owners were left out of the loop for a change.

However things have changed for the better for eager fans. The Xbox 360 demo will supposedly come down off its Gold Members exclusivity throne and let the little wee folk with Silver accounts get a multiplayer taste this weekend only. Crytek also verified on Twitter that PC gamers will even see the demo in the near future.

"At this time, Crytek & EA are glad to confirm that we'll be releasing a pre-launch Crysis 2 multiplayer demo on PC!" Crytek said on Twitter. "Stay tuned for details."

Given that's the only info the duo has provided thus far, at least PC gamers know that something is heading their way before the end of March. Unfortunately, PS3 gamers are still left out of the pre-release club until EA and Crytek announce otherwise. That said, there's a good chance the demo will hit PlayStation Plus subscribers around the same time the PC demo goes live, followed by a general release shortly thereafter.

The free trial weekend for the Xbox 360 demo begins on Friday, January 28th at noon Eastern Time and runs until noon on January 31st. Have fun.

  • wfrantz
    But can the crysis 2 demo play crysis 2?
  • truehighroller
    Yeah because if they abandon their original base PC Gamers, they will end up like MW, hated.
  • jdog2pt0
    About to say...Crysis was a PC exclusive and it would be a shame if it went the path of another well known, now not, PC only game *Cough* Battlefield *Cough*

    On another note, sweet. I can't wait to try it out.
  • speedemon
    wfrantzBut can the crysis 2 demo play crysis 2?
    Only on the PC :p
  • bdcrlsn
    Wonder whose arm they had to twist...
  • XD_dued
    They're probably only doing this because pc people were threatening to boycott, hurting their profits.

    Just like how they blamed "piracy" for not making pc exclusives as an excuse to take part in the more lucrative console market.
  • Romeka Bonaface
    XD_duedThey're probably only doing this because pc people were threatening to boycott, hurting their profits.Just like how they blamed "piracy" for not making pc exclusives as an excuse to take part in the more lucrative console market.
    You think piracy isn't a big deal?
  • jlefebre6001
    Romeka BonafaceYou think piracy isn't a big deal?not that piracy isnt a big deal, its just crytek acted like "oh we know crysis is a great game, the only reason it didnt set records is because of piracy". no, it didnt sell millions of copies because it was only on pc and was a very demanding game as far as hardware goes. they also didnt put it on steam right out of the gate :(.as a result their market was very small compared to a game like half life 2 that runs on almost anything.
  • fuzzyplankton
    I wounder what the PC video specs are. Probably a Ati x1950. That because its close to what the 360(modified X700 core) and PS3(7900GT) have it it and i throw my x1950 away a years ago. To bad there writing games for half a decade old hardware. Does it bother anyones else that the fist crisis was not ported to the ps3 or 360? Wont even run on a ps3 or 360 because they where to slow?
  • pauldemonkey
    still offered to gold members only... lame