TikToker Improves CPU Cooling by Adding Salt to Thermal Paste

CryoFuze Violet
(Image credit: Cooler Master)

You cannot cool a modern processor without using using thermal paste (preferably one of the best thermal pastes) to help transfer heat from the CPU to a heatsink. And most thermal pastes are made from either a combination of zinc oxide and silicone or some kind of liquid metal, because those materials are highly conductive. But what if there are other substances you have lying around the house that could either be substituted for or added to thermal paste to provide better cooling?

A TikTok user by the name of @mryeester, has been experimenting with a wide variety of foodstuffs to see if they can be substituted for off-the-shelf thermal paste. He has more than half a dozen videos showing his attempts to get household items such as powered sugar or maple syrup to help cool a CPU, but in almost every case, temperatures which much higher. However, when @mryeester added salt to some thermal paste, he saw temperature improvements of 2 to 3C over thermal paste alone. 

@mryeester has had a lot more failures than successes. He tried shaping thermal paste like a box on the IHS of a CPU to see how bad the spread would be, but found that the thermal paste only spread towards the outer edges of the CPU, leaving the central area untouched. On Intel chips at least, this would be a terrible application since the CPU die sits directly in the middle of the chip, and would make the die extra hot due to the lack of direct thermal paste contact right on top of it.

However, changing the placement of your paste would still be a lot better than having none at all. A case can be made for using this outer-edge approach with modern AMD Ryzen chips since the central compute die and IO die are not in the center of the chip. However, lack of coverage on the center would still result in higher temps - compared to having the entire IHS covered.

In a couple of his other thermal paste videos, @mryeester didn't necessarily target better temps, but did try to show interesting paste placements and alternate substances. In one, he tried shaping a Discord logo out of thermal paste directly on the IHS, and this time the IHS was covered fully after spreading the thermal paste out. But obviously, the discord shape itself attributed no advantage to the spread at all, since the spread was perfectly even across the entire IHS. 

In another video, he tried replacing thermal paste with powered sugar, thinking that the fine-grained material would provide enough contact between the IHS and the CPU. Sadly it did not, with temps being about 60 degrees higher than with thermal paste.


♬ original sound - mryeester

One of his worst performers was replacing thermal paste with maple syrup, where temperatures were very bad, with his Intel CPU hitting 69C immediately in the BIOS.

@mryeester also tried adding liquid metal directly in the middle of the CPU, with a circle of thermal paste applied around the liquid metal, acting as a barrier to prevent the liquid metal from spilling onto the edges of the CPU (and killing the CPU). But unfortunately, after applying a CPU cooler to the chip then removing it, he found that the thermal paste spread over the chip perfectly and pushed all the liquid metal to the edges, making it completely useless.

But one of his experiments succeeded in actually outperforming normal thermal paste. This experiment involved salt, since salt has a higher thermal conductivity than most thermal pastes on the market today.

At first, @mryeester tried mixing iodized salt with thermal paste, and seeing what would happen. But unfortunately in this first run, he was unsuccessful. But next he tried grinding down the salt into a fine powder, then mixed it in with his thermal paste, and surprisingly this compound mixture worked. With his normal thermal paste his CPU was only  hitting 49C, but with the powdered salted mixture, temps dropped by 2 to 3 degrees C.


♬ original sound - Lonely Bunker

While this is cool to see, we cannot say if this mixture will work in all situations. There could be a number of reasons why this mixture worked in this particular situation, including if @myyeester added too much or too little thermal paste in his test setup, or if his paste was not the best compound to begin with.

After testing more than 90 different thermal pastes, we've noted that some products have 1 to 2 degree better thermals than others. So this 2 to 3 degree drop mixing in salt might be matched just by using higher-quality thermal compounds.

Nonetheless, its cool to see a very unusual experiment like mixing salt with thermal paste work at all. Who knows, if TikTokers like @mryeester continue to experiment, they might find a new thermal compound mixture that actually works far better than the regular thermal paste products that we have today.

Aaron Klotz
Contributing Writer

Aaron Klotz is a contributing writer for Tom’s Hardware, covering news related to computer hardware such as CPUs, and graphics cards.

  • husker
    Maybe the makers of thermal paste already know this. Maybe they also know that salt can be corrosive over time.
  • Eximo
    Would need repeated tests to be certain, that could have just been variance in mounting or test conditions. And we don't know what the salt would do long term to the thermal compound.

    Most organic compounds will perform worse. Just the nature of CHNO molecules.
  • targetdrone
    Take everything from tick tok with a grain of salt and a teaspoon of NyQuil
  • -Fran-
    I mean... No need to go too far:

    All in the name of science, obviously.

  • DRagor
    Next time let's try using sugar.

    No, not that kind of sugar.
  • BX4096
    The lengths people will go to get their 15 minutes of fame...
  • Eximo
    You know, the new Ryzen IHS are probably thick enough for a tiny vapor chamber to take their place...
  • TechieTwo
    For those who do not know - TIM is only intended to fill in the minute surface imperfections between the heatsink and CPU IHS. Nothing is better than 100% contact of the heatsink to the CPU IHS. Since 100% contact of the two surfaces is impossible the absolute thinnest amount of TIM produces the best heat transfer. If the TIM is more than a translucent film you have too thick a layer or very warped contact surfaces. Less TIM is always better as long as you have full surface contact between the IHS and heatsink.
  • alceryes
    I don't see how this is possible. Thermal conductivity of salt compounds is already known and documented. The compounds don't come near the conductivity of good thermal paste.
    He probably didn't have good contact between the CPU and heatsink, originally.
  • Discount Bassy
    Cool Ranch Dorito powder has promise. Maybe just wait until food is flavored with thermal paste...