Russian President Visits Cisco, Apple and Tweets

The Russian president Dimitri Medvedev has just joined Twitter. Yes, he may be late to the party, but he picked a great time to start up his account as it was during his trip to San Francisco.

In fact, he started up his Twitter stream as part of his visit to Twitter, Apple, Cisco, Stanford University and even lunch with Barack Obama. Here are some of his tweets:

· Silicon Valley's greatest asset is communication. People discuss their work not trifles. Russia would benefit from this kind of environment.· The government's task is to create job opportunities. We have the money now, but we don't have a Silicon Valley. We must spend wisely.· The decision of major American companies to come to Russia and invest shows that we can agree on more than just missiles.

Through Medvedev's stream, we get to see some inside pictures of him with Steve Jobs (where he picks up an iPhone 4) as well as lunch with the U.S. President at a burger joint.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • CPfreak
    Now the Russian president has become an iPhone 4 addict too, soon they will take over the world!
  • Tamz_msc
    It looks like Medvedev has selected the next US ambassador to Russia:Steve Jobs!
  • cmartin011
    i am impressed buy this :). just wish other leaders would come here to find out how America became so successful, perhaps they can follow and help bring less advanced or 3 world countries up to speed. perhaps they can help with solving the energy crisis by showing us how its done properly.
  • cmartin011
    i bet he did bring a iphone 4 home with him lol
  • gti88
    Mmm... Now Jobs can smell out Rusiia's state secrets. Sweet!
  • eastcoaster
    LOOK! it's Steve showing Mr. Medvedev how to properly hold the iPhone 4.
  • mohsh86
    America Successful ? hmm

    how about a US Army General getting fired ?
    i think Military coups in the US, specially there are various US army bases located out side the US and its out of control and reach of the government, who roles who ?
    within the coming 5 years things will become more clear..
  • eddieroolz
    Apple adds another powerful nation's premier to its customer portfolio; in other news, Steve Jobs was reportedly seen with an ever-growing evil smirk.
  • SpadeM
    Eating at a burger joint? :)) boy that so is not becoming of 2 presidents ... it's so populist that it hurts the brain. If the press wasn't there or pictures weren't take maybe, just maybe i'd take that as something that isn't image orientated .. but as i see it now, it has FAKE spelled all over it.
  • 7amood
    wow... being a president seems fun...
    i can meet jobs and i can open burger joints...

    EDIT: 1st pic
    look at the guys in the back... what's so important that can get their attention away from their president and jobs??
    iphone5? ipad2?