Embark On An Emotional VR Journey In 'Fated: The Silent Oath'

Frima, a small independent game developer based in Montreal, Canada, announced the launch of its first VR game, Fated: The Silent Oath, which is now available for both Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

Frima said that Fated is a first-person adventure set in the mythical age of the Vikings. The company said the game was designed to play off the unique capabilities that virtual reality has to convey emotions. In Fated: The Silent Oath, you’ll play as a man trying to take care of his family, while the gods wreak havoc on your world, ushering in the Ragnarok – the end times.  

“Fear is a concept that is relatively easy to achieve in Virtual Reality, but for FATED, we wanted to explore compassion, sadness, happiness and other complex emotions”, said Vincent Martel, Executive Producer at Frima Studio. “Nothing is stronger than the connection between a parent and his child. We knew we would strike a sensitive chord with players in FATED.”

Fated: The Silent Oath was created with Unreal Engine 4, and it features beautiful environments to explore. The story was penned by former Assassin’s Creed writer, Jull Murray, and Frima said the voice acting aims to make you “feel a strong emotional connection” with the characters.

Fated: The Silent Oath is available today for $19.99 on Oculus Rift and HTC Vive stores. Frima said the game will also launch on Playstation VR later this year.

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 Kevin Carbotte is a contributing writer for Tom's Hardware who primarily covers VR and AR hardware. He has been writing for us for more than four years.