Town in Israel Puts Wi-Fi Routers On Its Donkeys

An historical park in Northern Israel is making headlines following a decision to equip its donkeys with wireless routers. Kfar Kedem park offers tourists the opportunity to experience Talmudic-era life. This experience involves riding a donkey, which was the main mode of transport in those times. However, it seems technology has wormed its way into the experience, as you can now surf the web while riding your donkey.

The Associated Press cites park manager, Menachem Goldberg, as saying the move is part of an effort to engage with younger generations as opposed to catering to the always-on tourists that can't bear to be away from a WiFi connection.

According to the Times of Israel, there are currently 30 donkeys in the Galilee town of Hoshaya, which operates the park. Just five of them have been fitted with wireless Internet, with the routers hanging in a bag around the donkeys' necks. The park said that it would consider outfitting more of the donkeys with WiFi as time goes on.

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  • A Bad Day
    It's a good thing that donkeys can guide themselves should the user text while steering...
  • dalethepcman
    Have you tried our jackass wifi?

    My favorite quote from the AP article that can be completely misconstrued...

    Visitor Peter Scherr said. "I send pictures back to my family while I'm having fun on the donkeys."

    I'm just glad hes not talking about Mexico..

  • therabiddeer
    This article upsets me, and not just because they are putting wireless on donkeys but because it seems to be written poorly.

    "...part of an effort to engage with younger generations as opposed to catering to the always-on tourists..." nothing seems right at all about this quote. Then there is the an historical/a historical at the beginning, while both are TECHNICALLY right... I still think it should be a historical because I pronounce the h (though you may not).

    Downrate all you want, I just wanted to put my 2 cents out there.
  • azraa
    Im so going to hell x)
    I pictured Jesus giving out wifi instead of a sermon, on a donkey, being followed by a mass of wifi-starved people with their notebooks... and palm leaves.
  • dalethepcman
    TheRabidDeerboth are TECHNICALLY right... I still think it should be a historical......Downrate all you want, I just wanted to put my 2 cents out there.I'm down voting you because you are reading it wrong, being an ass, grammar Nazi and Troll. Just my 2cents.

    Let me make the words simple for you, since you seem to understand the concept of writing, but not the content.

    "saying the move is part of an effort to engage with younger generations as opposed to catering to the always-on tourists that can't bear to be away from a WiFi connection."
    This change was to cater to the younger generation, not to cater to the always online tourist. Both groups benefit from this, but they were specifically targeting the younger generation.

  • QEFX
    TheRabidDeerThis article upsets me, and not just because they are putting wireless on donkeys but because it seems written poorly.
    Hate to break this to you, but this is Tom's. Spell checking, grammar checking, at times fact checking, breaking news that hasn't been reported elsewhere for 3 weeks and non-fanboy articles are like the edit post function ... very rare indeed.
  • BigBodZod
    Hey, I guess eMule is not dead after all.
  • therabiddeer
    dalethepcmanI'm down voting you because you are reading it wrong, being an ass, grammar Nazi and Troll. Just my 2cents.Let me make the words simple for you, since you seem to understand the concept of writing, but not the content."saying the move is part of an effort to engage with younger generations as opposed to catering to the always-on tourists that can't bear to be away from a WiFi connection."=This change was to cater to the younger generation, not to cater to the always online tourist. Both groups benefit from this, but they were specifically targeting the younger generation.The younger generation IS the always on generation, though. And why mention it at all if both parties have the same interest? There is no contrast there at all.

    Perhaps "in spite of" would be better usage. "part of an effort to engage with younger generations in spite of the always-on tourists that can't bear to be away..."
  • spamu2
    TheRabidDeerThen there is the an historical/a historical at the beginning, while both are TECHNICALLY right... I still think it should be a historical because I pronounce the h (though you may not).Downrate all you want, I just wanted to put my 2 cents out there.
    Starting out the article with that was like a kick in the teeth. Don't worry, Rabid. We have Merriam-Webster on our side:
  • fazers_on_stun
    Hmm, guess watching pR0n broadcast from the arse of an ass takes on a whole new meaning :P.