Buy a Level 90 World of Warcraft Character Boost for $60

This week Blizzard released patch 5.4.7 for World of Warcraft. With it a number of players also caught a brief glimpse of an upcoming service by Blizzard that allows players to immediately boost their characters to level 90. That's the current level cap for World of Warcraft players.

As previously reported, the upcoming expansion pack Warlords of Draenor increases the level cap to 100. The expansion also provides one free level 90 character boost to be used once players pre-purchase the expansion. That means players can create a Level 1 character just for the expansion, and then use the upgrade. The boosted character will also receive a level-appropriate set of gear along with some other assistance.

"That's a little different from the plan we laid out at BlizzCon, but based on the feedback, it's obvious that many of you would like the chance to get acquainted with a new class before heading into the expansion," Blizzard's blog stated in January. "This will also give more players the opportunity to experience the current end-game content and the events leading up to Garrosh's exodus to Draenor."

That said, the "retail" instant level up purchase will obviously be for subscribers who have more than one character. Maybe they want to play more than one character in the upcoming expansion, or perhaps they just want to bypass all the level grinding and play World of Warcraft without the expansion.

"We've also heard feedback from players that they'd be interested in boosting multiple characters to 90, including alts they play with friends on other factions and realms," Blizzard's blog stated. "We've been evaluating ways to make that possible without having players go through roundabout methods (such as purchasing multiple boxes and performing multiple character transfers)."

So how much will it cost to buy a Level 90 boost? $60 USD each character. That's a bit steep, and hopeful players speculate that the price tag may be just a placeholder given that Blizzard hasn't officially announced the level boost service. Still, a cheaper price could mean a huge flood of Level 90 characters that have avoided the traditional level grind, which Blizzard may not want.

  • hotroderx
    I am a huge fan of World of Warcraft and was semi ok with level boost to 90 once the expansion came out. I am fully against them selling lv boost in there store. I have a feeling there will be a lot of backlash and hopefully removal of such a horrible cash grab idea.
  • monkeysweat
    I quit playing the games when it became too easy to get to high levels and you didn't have as much sense of danger when you died (speaking from back in Everquest days) The higher levels required you know how to play properly in order not to kill everyone else in the area, that kind of experience you only get from the true playing of leveling and actually getting to try out all levels and areas. getting an instant boost to top level will introduce a whole lot of n00bs and create a pain for people that high up already
  • virtualban
    I guess level farm products may be cheaper. Just a guess.
  • Grogar123
    I think this is a big BIG mistake. They should have certain rules on being able to purchase the level 90 such as you must have at least 2 or more level 90s. I dont mind the pre-order free 90 but Really? Is WoW turning into LoL? A pay to win? If so blizzard will lose more members than they did last time. This is truly a big mistake i was looking forward to WoD cause they are fixing and doing a lot more cool stuff but this purchasable level 90 is going to ruin WoW cause you cant get familiar with a class with just 10 levels that wont make you good at your class.
  • bloodroses75
    I may not play World of Warcraft anymore, but I know instant leveling is a very bad idea. Players instantly maxed out will know absolutely nothing about their skill trees or their spell sets. Let alone having beginning level gear at 90? Shudder to think accidentally adding someone like that into a dungeon party not knowing they're a newb even though they're lvl 90. At least the one's who went through power leveling services had gear...
  • threefish
    Buzzard is just trying to grab more of the cash from the huge ecosystem it created. Level farming was already doing everything you are worried about happening here.
  • WithoutWeakness
    I think this is a big BIG mistake. They should have certain rules on being able to purchase the level 90 such as you must have at least 2 or more level 90s. I dont mind the pre-order free 90 but Really? Is WoW turning into LoL? A pay to win? If so blizzard will lose more members than they did last time. This is truly a big mistake i was looking forward to WoD cause they are fixing and doing a lot more cool stuff but this purchasable level 90 is going to ruin WoW cause you cant get familiar with a class with just 10 levels that wont make you good at your class.
    How is LoL a pay to win? The only things you can buy are XP boosts and character skins. Neither of those give you an advantage over any other players.I don't think the opportunity to buy a level 90 character is an issue. You can grind to 90 in less than a week if are dedicated and put the time into it. Some people DON'T have the free time to grind 90 levels and it's an opportunity for them to experience the end-game content, even if it's just through LFG and LFR. It's also an easy way for dedicated players with multiple characters to have more options for toons to bring on raids and PvP or even have new characters on different servers or factions. When I played I only had 2 characters at max level on the same server and faction because I dreaded the level grind, especially if I couldn't transfer gold and resources from my main. If this were an option I would have gladly paid for 1 or 2 more max-level characters to try the play styles of different classes without putting a week or more into just leveling a new toon.
  • ronin_cse
    Would just like to point out that the option to buy a level boost only appeared briefly before it was taken away and that is where they are getting the $60. It very well may just be a place holder so it's a bit early get upset about the price.
  • Innocent_Bystander-1312890
    Ha....ha....ha.... bwahahahaha... That is all.
  • Dantte
    WoW isnt losing players because of stuff like this, WoW is losing players because the game is nearly 10 years old! The pretense of some of these comments is comical "it will kill the game", ummm ok cause we expect the game to go on forever it they dont do anything like this... riiiiiiiiiiiiiggggghtt... WoW had a good run, its now on its last leg so of course Blizzard wants to get every last $ out of it, as they are.