Nvidia's Latest Driver Adds Support For 'Mass Effect: Andromeda,' 'Rock Band VR'

If you own an Nvidia GPU and plan to play Mass Effect: Andromeda tomorrow, you might want to update your driver. The company released version 378.92, which provides optimizations for two games as well as SLI support for other titles.

The driver “provides optimal gaming experience” for Mass Effect: Andromeda, which comes out tomorrow, as well as Rock Band VR, which launches later this week on March 23. SLI support will also be available for Mass Effect: Andromeda as well as Deus Ex: Breach and Dead Rising 4.

As always, there are a few issues with the driver across Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10. The full list of issues is below.

Windows 10 Issues[GeForce Experience]: Driver installation fails when attempting to perform a driver overinstall. To workaround, perform a clean installation.[SLI][GeForce GTX 1080][Battlefield 1 XP1]: With SLI enabled, corruption appears in the game when switching between full-screen and windowed mode. [1889162][GeForce GTX 1080 Ti][Mass Effect: Andromeda]: Random memory errors occur when playing the game. [1887520][GeForce GTX 1080 Ti][Sid Meier's Civilization VI][G-Sync/SLI/DirectX 12]: Black corruption appears while entering the in-game menu afte skippingthe cutscene. [200283322][GeForce GTX Titan X][Ansel][Ghost Recon Wildlands]: With FXAA enabled from the NVIDIA Control Panel, the application crashes when enabling the in-game Ansel UI. [200283194]Error code 43 appears in the Device Manager after installing the driver with HDMI display connected. [200283276][Pascal][Notebook]: The display remains blank while over installing the driver, requiring a reboot. [200273603][GM204, Tom Clancy's The Division Survival DLC] Game crashes pointing to ntdll.dll when changed to full-screen and to windowed full-screen. [200252894][GM204, ShadowPlay] For Honor silently crashes if intro video is skipped and instant replay is on. [200247313][SLI] [GeForce GTX 970M] Level loading hangs in Gears of War 4. [1826307][367.77, WDDM 2.1] Driver install/overinstall requires reboot. [1757931][SLI, GP104] Installer prompts for reboot during express overinstall of 372.69 driver on 372.54. [200231806][GM204] Quantum Break window either remains blank or freezes in game scene in windowed mode. [1804910]Surround Display icon disappears after rotate mode set to portrait. [200201040][SLI] Street Fighter V performance drop (pause and play) observed when the game is played at 4K resolution with SLI enabled. [200172046][Luxmark 3.0] Display driver stopped responding while running benchmark LuxBall HDR (Simple Bechmark:217K triangles). [200153736][347.09, GM204] Blank screen observed on an ASUS Tiled display when system resumes from shutdown or hibernation with Fast boot option enabled from BIOS. [1591053]Windows 8.1/Windows 8 Issues[3DVision] While a stereoscopic 3D video with stereoscopic 3D enabled is played, the monitor refresh rate switches to 60 Hz after changing the resolution using the Windows control panel. [1314811][Video, Notebook] The Nvidia Control Panel video color settings have no effect on YouTube flash video playback within Internet Explorer 10. [999485]Windows 7 Issues[GeForce GTX 1080] Battlefield 1 hangs when campaign loaded with Fast Sync enabled from the Nvidia Control Panel. [200254350][SLI] Street Fighter V performance drop (pause and play) observed when the game is played at 4K resolution with SLI enabled. [200172046][3DVision] While a stereoscopic 3D video with stereoscopic 3D enabled is played, the monitor refresh rate switches to 60 Hz after changing the resolution using the Windows control panel. [1314811]

You can download the driver for your GPU and OS on Nvidia’s website, and you can take a look at the release notes here. If you’re still on the fence about Mass Effect: Andromeda, you can read about our hands-on time with the game.

  • dstarr3
    Today I learned that Rock Band is getting a PC port.
  • blppt
    I hope AMD is going to release a crossfire profile for ME:A at some point---not holding my breath before the release, as they already put out an "optimized" ME:A driver last week, but no CFX support, and you apparently cannot force it on for this game. One 290X just wont cut it for me.
  • Sakkura
    19453165 said:
    Today I learned that Rock Band is getting a PC port.

    I don't think it's getting a regular PC port, just a PC VR version.

    They ran a crowdfunding campaign for a regular PC port last year, and that failed.
  • esco_sid
    I wonder where is Nier:Automata Driver update i think it could use one.
  • tamalero
    Some people are reporting heavy single card stuttering with the new drivers and ME Andromeda..
  • blppt
    I stand corrected---AMD just released a new driver with CFX support for Andromeda today, 17.3.3. Will test it out ASAP.