Razer Unveils Dev Tools, Additional Partners for OSVR

OSVR's latest announcement adds new partners to the ever-growing list of supporters, but more importantly, anyone can now look at the building blocks of OSVR. Through the OSVR Developer Portal, developers can take a look at some of the tools that make OSVR work as well as plugins for other software.

The links contain advanced programming language, which could be intimidating, but there's enough content for current and aspiring developers to get started on building their own software to work with OSVR and its many partners, which include Unity, Unreal and Oculus. Listed below are the resources found at the OSVR Developer Portal.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
OSVR-CoreContains the main libraries, plugins, and applications for OSVRContributing GuidelinesIssue TrackerWindows binary downloadsDoxygen docs for library usersInternal Doxygen docs for contributorsGetting started with core development
Managed-OSVR.NET wrapper for OSVR's ClientKitContributing GuidelinesIssue Tracker
DistortionizerTool to determine distortion parameters of HMDs and shaders to correct the distortion.Contributing GuidelinesIssue TrackerReleases (includes the standalone Windows binaries of the Vizard-based shader tester)
OSVR-Tracker-ViewerUsed to view OSVR tracking dataContributing GuidelinesIssue TrackerWindows binary downloads
OSVR-HDKProduction file for the OSVR HDKIssue Tracker
OSVR-JSON-EditorBrowser-based tool to edit OSVR JSON files, which are based on the JSON SchemaContributing GuidelinesIssue TrackerLive version (deployed instance)
OSVR-JSON-SchemaJSON Schemas in relation to the OSVR interfaceIssue Tracker
OSVR-UnityPackage for using OSVR with Unity programsContributing GuidelinesIssue TrackerWindows binary downloads
OSVR-UnrealUsing OSVR with the Unreal EngineContributing GuidelinesIssue Tracker
OSVR-Oculus-RiftOculus Rift tracking plugin for OSVRContributing GuidelinesIssue TrackerWindows binary downloadsAssociated VRPN branch
OSVR-VuzixVuzix tracking plugin for OSVRIssue TrackerWindows binary downloads
OSVR-BoxstarterSelf-installer script that prepares user or developer environments with ChocolateyIssue TrackerWindows installer bundles
Sensic/Latency-TestSoftware and hardware latency testerIssue Tracker
LibfunctionalityLibrary for dynamically- or statically-linked functionality modulesContributing GuidelinesIssue TrackerBinary snapshots

OSVR's Academia Program continues to grow. Last month, 28 universities from 10 countries joined the program, which aims to bring OSVR to the classroom to see how it could help with education. Today, seven more schools joined the Academia Program. The list below contains schools from Denmark, Ireland, and the United States.

Aalborg University, DenmarkUniversity College Cork, IrelandClemson University, United StatesColumbia University, United StatesOklahoma State University, United StatesUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County, United StatesWorcester Polytechnic Institute, United States

On the developer side, the 12 new supporters listed below have a diverse offering of applications for OSVR such as tourism, photography, and even porn. Needless to say, the VirtualRealPorn partnership is sure to excite a few users looking for a more hands-on approach with VR.

3rd PlanetAbout Face VRAurora GamingAvnetCSRVKinoki360Media VenturesSparc InteractiveTwoBigEarsVertigo GamesVirtualRealPornZeroLatencyVR

Razer plans to begin shipping OSVR in June, and the growing list of supporters is beginning to fill the worrying hole of content for the VR industry. This latest news from OSVR is another indication that the open-source approach is working, and we might have more than enough VR content when OSVR finally hits the market.

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