PC Gamer Reader Awards - tell us about the PC gaming gear you love

What are your favorite pieces of PC gaming gear of all time? It doesn't matter whether it's the latest Nvidia graphics card, a 2000-series AMD CPU, or that grinty gaming mouse you picked up a few years back but now can't bear to be without. Our friends over at the PC Gamer forums would love to hear from you!

And we're not necessarily talking about what you think your most powerful superstar component is, or your most expensive purchase, we'd like you to tell us about the different parts of your gaming setup that mean the most to you. If you're regularly gaming with it, and it sparks joy, then we want you to tell us just why that particular slice of PC gaming has found a place in your heart.

Over the next two weeks our sister site, PC Gamer will publish multiple item categories to ask readers to weigh in on all the most important pieces of equipment for gaming. So check back daily to find the new category of gear and we'd love to get your insight as well. 

Today they're asking about the monitor you've fallen in love with

Is there a high refresh rate TN screen that gets your gaming juices flowing, is it all about the IPS for you, or can you absolutely, positively not do without that ultra-curved, ultrawide gaming monitor on your desktop?

Just head over to the lovely PC Gamer Forum, sign in or create a new account, and make your feelings known in the monitor thread. Without quoting the original post, tell us the name of your beloved product, and then just a line or two about why it means so much to you. 

Find all the bits of hardware we’re digging into below:

So, if neither your GPU or CPU spark joy in your cold, cold heart, then maybe it's your streaming mic that really makes you go all gooey for your gaming PC setup. Check out the other threads and tell us what you love. You might even find yourself featured on the PC Gamer site once our PC Gamer Reader Awards have been decided.