A Peek at Portal 2 Co-op, Where You Play Robots

The introduction of cooperative gameplay in Portal 2 has us excited. Little is known about how things will work with two players, each with his (or its) own portal gun, but GameTrailers has the exclusive teaser trailer from Valve giving the first look at coop.

From it, we gleamed that it'll be a robot duo with dual portal guns. If only February 9, 2011 could be here sooner.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • bustapr
    Awesome, will definitely buy this.
  • visa
    Love me some co-op; can't wait for this game.

    Maybe this will be the first step in figuring out a viable way to introduce the portal gun somehow into multiplayer.
  • Fetal
    i am not attracted to this game. :/ why?
  • flightmare
    He came out of the last portal the wrong side up.
  • winner4455
    Fetali am not attracted to this game. why?

    Because you have a bad taste in games :|
  • Anomalyx
    Fetali am not attracted to this game. why?Must have had a bad experience with the neurotoxin.
  • theubersmurf
    It's interesting, when I had first seen the two robots, I felt certain that the portal guns they had would each be half of the same portal, but it looks like they plan on two full portal guns if that video is accurate.
  • stige
    Fetali am not attracted to this game. why?you didn't get any cake?
  • michaelssw
    9234167 said:
    you didn't get any cake?

    Because he has to share the cake now
  • Parsian
    I just refused the cake last night... for real, i just finished the Portal last night even though i bought the Orange Box on the first day of release.