Razer Hydra Bundles Portal 2 for Motion Controls

Portal 2 is the sweetness that anyone, and everyone, hoped for. We don't recommend that you put off playing it for a split second, but if you must, then maybe it'll be worth going full motion control.

Razer worked closely with Valve and Sixense to create exclusive Portal 2 content to showcase the power of the Razer Hydra, a new dual-motion controller. The full version of the game plus the exclusive Portal 2 content will be available in a special edition bundle with the Razer Hydra.

"The Razer Hydra is a significant step forward for the PC gaming industry because it not only affords an almost-physical experience for gamers, but also presents developers an opportunity to innovate and significantly push the boundaries on new forms of gameplay and entertainment," said Gabe Newell, co-founder and president of Valve.

"We are excited to finally bring full motion control to the PC," said Min-Liang Tan, CEO and Creative Director, Razer. "Gamers will be blown away by the pinpoint tracking precision that mirrors every move in-game. They'll also enjoy the exclusive new Portal 2 content created specifically for the Razer Hydra, giving them more bang for their buck."

On top of Portal 2, the Razer Hydra is optimized with over 125 popular PC games out of the box, including titles like Left 4 Dead 2 and World of Goo, and there is the future possibility for more downloadable game configurations and the ability to self-configure motion mapping to your specifications. Check out the full list of games at Joystiq.

Razer Hydra and Portal 2 bundle will be priced at US$139.99 / EU€139.99

Pre-orders start May 2011, with shipping starting June 2011.

Here's a peek at Portal 2 being demonstrated with the Hydra earlier this year at CES.

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Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • eklipz330
    oh fuckin sweet ive been waiting for this! wish it was wired though, wudda enjoyed the 0 latency... i have so much stuff to buy *sad face*
  • fayzaan
  • I didn't see that feature in Portal 2. Huh.
  • truchonic
    124 GAMES!!! thats awesome lets see which game are coming for this system
  • LuckyDucky7
    I want Portal 2 on the Wii, please. Or at least just the original.

    Who cares about the graphics quality set on "low" when you can actually use the portal gun? A for orange, B for blue. Simple.
  • Division
    Junk. He actually said, "I don't know how you can do this with just a mouse and keyboard." .....wow. Don't take ignorance with you when demonstrating a new product.
  • memadmax
    Wow, this is perfect for people that serial buy everything... Just like that one chick that is no longer allowed to watch infomercials because she can't stop buying $50 junk kitchen appliances that you use once then it collects dust for years on end before finally thrown into the "goodwill" box...
  • Trialsking
    The is nothing like using your thumbs to controller a FPS, oh wait that's what consoles do...
  • wannaturnuptheheat
    This sort of thing is why I am convinced motion controls will never take off. There's too much imprecision, and there always will be -- it's the same reason not everyone can be a surgeon.
  • foogoo
    Razer made it? No thanks.