Windows 7 Usage Passes All Versions of Mac OS X

The overwhelming majority of the market uses Microsoft Windows, so it should come as no surprise that Windows usage this past weekend was higher than that of Mac OS X. The interesting stat, however, was that Windows 7 usage surpassed all versions of Mac OS X combined.

According to tracking firm Net Applications, Windows 7 commanded an average of 5.07 percent usage last Saturday and Sunday. The growing slice of market share was enough to move past the 5 percent that Apple held across all its current versions of OS X for that week.

"It's safe to say that Windows 7's daily share did peak above Mac's weekly share," said Vince Vizzaccaro, executive vice president at Net Applications, according to Computerworld.

Looking at Window 7's full week average, which started out lower than numbers attained over the weekend, Mac OS X still led ahead by nearly a percentage point. Windows 7's week averaged at 4.15 percent usage. Vizzaccaro believes that the growth of Windows 7 will mean that it'll soon leave OS X behind.

"Certainly, the trend line shows Windows 7 will surpass Mac share soon," he predicted.

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Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • rpmrush
    Yup, have been using it. I'm surprised it's not higher. As soon as businesses start adopting it, Win 7 will sky rocket.
  • MrBradley
    It took over a month to do this?!
  • rippleyhakd
    Took a month, to pass ALL MAC OS X.. Impressive considering that this is still a new OS, that WIN7 has not even began a corporation rollout, (still have IT people learning it), AND on top of that, NEW machines with the OS are just not becoming more and more prevalent. And this is >1 year penetration from apple. Fanboys just make my day..
  • city_zen
    Vista's next (currently, Vista: 18% - Win 7: 5 %)
  • waikano
    No surprise really, People don't want Vista and 7 is the first decent choice of Windows since XP. And that was 8 years ago. How long did it take Vista to reach that achievement? Anyone?
  • waikano

    Looks like 6 or so months.
  • tpi2007
    Christmas is coming... within a month OS X will be far behind.
  • kartu
    waikanoNo surprise really, People don't want Vista and 7 is the first decent choice of Windows since XP. And that was 8 years ago. How long did it take Vista to reach that achievement? Anyone?So, what does it make "a decent choice" again? Is it again "much faster"?
  • warmon6
    Now what was that apple about pc users switching to macs? this seams to prove them wrong. :lol:
  • hakesterman
    People didn't want Vista because it got a unfair bad name early. I've had Vista for three years and it has done an outstanding job for me. It crashes far less than XP did, it was easier to use than Xp and it has more options than XP. Windows 7 is just a deluxe version of Vista, most of the Vista drivers work in Windows 7 because it is Vista deluxe. The media couldn't bad mouth Windows 7 enough this time to keep it down because everyone has worn tired of Xp. So when you fire up your new Windows 7 just think you could of had this two years ago if you didn't listen to all the negative crap and just tried it.