Polysoft offers $849 8TB SSD upgrade module for Mac Studio — reverse-engineered SSD vastly undercuts Apple's $2,220 price

Inserting the Polysoft SSD
(Image credit: Luke Miani)

Apple products have historically faced criticism for their limited upgradeability and repairability - but most users realize these aspects after the fact - say when they need to upgrade their aging SSD - because, like most other things in life, SSDs also have a limited lifespan. Bypassing Apple's proprietary implementation, Polysoft has been developing custom reverse-engineered SSD PCBs, which you too can use, as shown by YouTuber Luke Miani in his latest video.

Last month, it was found that Apple's Mac Mini M4 had a semi-upgradable SSD, provided you knew how to solder it, blank NAND modules, and a spare Mac on hand. Traditional SSDs feature NAND modules and the memory controller on the same package. Apple hardwires its SSDs in such a fashion that it offers modular PCBs with just the NAND flash but shifts the controller to the SoC. This forces users to purchase higher-capacity PCBs/modules directly from Apple - which may technically be classified as "upgradable" - if you can pay a pretty penny.

Polysoft Services, a French repair store, launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for developing custom PCBs that users can easily swap in and out at much lower costs than Apple. Luke goes with this concept as he upgrades his Mac Studio from 512GB to a whopping eight TB across two modules, which is expected to retail in the US at $849 (799 Euros). A quick search shows us that Apple is charging $2,400 for a similar upgrade—that's 2.8x more expensive!

Polystart SSD PCB

(Image credit: Luke Miani)

Developing a custom AIC (Add-In Card) isn't easy; you take an Apple PCB, sand it down, scan it, recreate the traces, and repeat this process for every single layer. Older Macs were notorious for supplying extra voltage to NAND chips, resulting in total data loss. A bonus point of this custom design is overvoltage protection, so you won't have to worry about your SSD frying out of the blue.

Apple's NAND modules are firmware-locked to the controller, which leaves us with just two options: either solder blank high-capacity NAND modules or get a custom PCB with pre-soldered NAND. That's exactly what Polysoft is striving for. Admittedly, the pricing structure is a tad higher than if you were to purchase a standard 8TB SSD, but you have to appreciate the sheer hard work, research, and resilience involved in this project.

Polysoft is also developing custom PCBs for the Mac Mini M4, which are expected to arrive sometime next year. We're all in for upgradeable and user-serviceable parts, especially when they're essential, like storage.

Hassam Nasir
Contributing Writer

Hassam Nasir is a die-hard hardware enthusiast with years of experience as a tech editor and writer, focusing on detailed CPU comparisons and general hardware news. When he’s not working, you’ll find him bending tubes for his ever-evolving custom water-loop gaming rig or benchmarking the latest CPUs and GPUs just for fun.

  • hotaru251
    inb4 next generation will have part ID locks to prevent this happening again <_<...
  • palladin9479
    And people actually pay money to have to deal with this? Like seriously....
  • Kondamin
    palladin9479 said:
    And people actually pay money to have to deal with this? Like seriously....
    It’s not as bad as it used to be, thunderbolt makes it easy to connect to some form of das with little to no performance penalty
  • CaptRiker
    Apple's behavior hasn't changed in decades, it's why I'd N E V E R consider buying anything made by Apple.. E V E R :)
  • Amdlova
    Windows and hardware prices. Size and power compsumation it's making me drive towards apple products. A little machine is better than my current setup! And are cheaper
  • palladin9479
    While everyone else just lets you plug a commodity NVME in or old school SATA SSD.

    Apple spend money on this whacky expensive proprietary system as a way to lock you into their eco system and funnel more money from your pocket to their pocket.
  • Wimpers
    palladin9479 said:
    While everyone else just lets you plug a commodity NVME in or old school SATA SSD.

    Apple spend money on this whacky expensive proprietary system as a way to lock you into their eco system and funnel more money from your pocket to their pocket.
    Yeah, in Europe, they also charge up to six times the regular price for memory or storage in their phones and laptops, probably even for the same chips made by the same company.
    Yet people complain about six dollar lattes, what a bunch of suckers.