The Burning Crusade Beta - Dranei starting area

The Burning Crusade login screen

The Burning Crusade login screen

The Dranei start area is actually a spaceship crash site. Their ship crashed after the blood elves in Outland sabotaged the navigation systems. Does that mean the Dranei are Space Marines?

The Dranei start area is actually a spaceship crash site. Their ship crashed after the blood elves in Outland sabotaged the navigation systems. Does that mean the Dranei are Space Marines ?

Looks like other beta testers are eagerly exploring the new area.

Looks like other beta testers are eagerly exploring the new area.

Of course you can’t accurately test the new race unless you type /dance. The dance resembled that of a popular Indian singer.

The Dranei have an innate racial ability to heal. It's on a three minute cooldown and the amount of health healed scales up with level.

The Dranei have an innate racial ability to heal. It’s on a three minute cooldown and the amount of health healed scales up with level.

Another racial ability gives +1% to hit for friendly party members near the player.

Another racial ability gives +1% to hit for friendly party members near the player.

The Dranei start in the northwest corner of the map, just west of the Night Elf island of Darnassus.

The Dranei start in the northwest corner of the map, just west of the Night Elf island of Darnassus.

Closer look at the Dranei starting area. The capital city of Exodar is to the west.

Closer look at the Dranei starting area. The capital city of Exodar is to the west.

Inside view of a building in the starting area.

Inside view of a building in the starting area.

A new looking for group/more feature will simplify looking for friends.

A new looking for group/more feature will simplify looking for friends.

You can form a new group or ask for more members for an existing group.

You can form a new group or ask for more members for an existing group.