Wednesday E3 Show Floor

Crowds lining up to be searched

Crowds lining up to be searched

Crowds lining up to be searched

Crowds lining up to be searched

Wall of strategy guides, DON'T TAKE!

Wall of strategy guides, DON’T TAKE !

F.E.A.R. is coming to Xbox 360. Be afraid -- be very afraid.

F.E.A.R. is coming to Xbox 360. Be afraid — be very afraid.

Gamespot's control room

Gamespot’s control room

Two E3 attendees play some cords on Guitar Hero II

Two E3 attendees play some cords on Guitar Hero II

Two E3 attendees play some cords on Guitar Hero II

Two E3 attendees play some cords on Guitar Hero II

InFocus Projector

InFocus Projector

Logitech Racing Wheel

Logitech Racing Wheel

Microsoft's expansive booth at E3 showcased some of the upcoming titles for Xbox 360, such as Too Human, Saint's Row, Crackdown and F.E.A.R.

Microsoft’s expansive booth at E3 showcased some of the upcoming titles for Xbox 360, such as Too Human, Saint’s Row, Crackdown and F.E.A.R.