Wednesday E3 Show Floor

The past for Master Chief 117 lay in ruins and waste behind her. In front of her, the future appears through a kind of iris-shaped trap door the size of a large mountain, triggering the appearance of a kind of slipstream or black hole overhead.

The past for Master Chief 117 lay in ruins and waste behind her. In front of her, the future appears through a kind of iris-shaped trap door the size of a large mountain, triggering the appearance of a kind of slipstream or black hole overhead.

Some booths resort to blue lighting to draw in the crowds

Some booths resort to blue lighting to draw in the crowds

More blue lights crowd.jpg - Crowds lining up to be searched

More blue lights crowd.jpg - Crowds lining up to be searched

An E3 attendee immerses himself in a demo of Crackdown, a forthcoming title for Xbox 360

An E3 attendee immerses himself in a demo of Crackdown, a forthcoming title for Xbox 360