In Pictures: Extreme Computer Desks


Wolfgang loves his guns. What appears to be somewhat reasonable in this first shot…

Arms Race

…turns out to be a private armory with an Internet connection.

Relax 0.9

This is Ikea’s new PC furniture prototype called the Knut-Oliver. Make yourself comfortable while the PC boots up!


Looks like a marathon benchmark session for the new Lexmark printer at Jaden Jill Joel’s place.


This is Jeff’s new open-air office.

It’s Nice To Be The Boss

This is the office of Jeff’s boss. If you can’t take it with you…


Playing Solitaire on a 15-inch laptop? That’s so 1990s. True pros go old school and use actual cards.

Staying Fit

Bob gives it his all. Go for the mileage reimbursement and stay fit at the same time – not bad!


Tony works in a really large department. It’s his birthday today, and every colleague gets a cup of his favorite blue soda. Extra credit question: how many colleagues does Tony have?

Where’s The Cake?

This is a Russian office prank that also asks the most important question: where’s the food? Hint: the answer can be found halfway through this slideshow.

Eyefinity 6.0

You want big? How about a six-monitor workspace with AMD’s FirePro W9100?

  • ocilfa
    Ah darn...was hoping for a complimentary photo for #39
  • DJowns
    The first picture is what we call a Call of Duty extremist. The second picture is what we call a Battlefield extremist.
  • DJowns
    Oh I could have made my comment better if I had read the picture descriptions and didn't make myself look like an idiot.
    The storm is coming.
  • Divyanshu Sah
    The first picture is what we call a Call of Duty extremist. The second picture is what we call a Battlefield extremist.
  • ykki
    I think that some are pranks played by co workers and such.
  • babernet_1
    Help. I can only see the first slide. Then the second. After that it freezes and I cannot see any other slide or even go back to the first. I have Google Chrome and a cable modem.
  • HideOut
    The first picture is what we call a Call of Duty extremist. The second picture is what we call a Battlefield extremist.

    I can assume he's picking random, although battlefield maps are HUGE compared to CoD so maybe its the size of monitors and such he's refering too? My guess is he just picked the two and went with it. He's only old school if its TFC vs CS
  • TechyInAZ
    ill guess at pic 9: 500?
  • Grognak
    "somewhat reasonable". Right.
  • will1220
    The first two pictures are of the same setup in the same room, just things rearranged and different monitors.