Cheap Knockoff

You can also just get a bunch of computers. Every blue bottle has the name of a Skype partner on it. A standing bottle means the contact is online. One lying down means they're done for the night.

Kindle Paperwhite

Why use monitors when you can get so much more use out of the office with electronic ink paper?

(F)Light Simulator

Brian is actually a tank-driving enthusiast. This is why even his flight simulator only features a slim observation slit.

Nobody’s Listening…

Here's an upgrade for everyone already wearing an aluminum-foil hat: Alumina 2.0 – the full-coverage aluminum room that keeps the NSA out.

They’re Coming For You!

Here’s a more detailed view of the spy-free room. It’ll certainly be the high point of any factory tour.


Everybody knows by now that Santa Claus was invented by Coca-Cola. This is a picture of his office, which can easily be identified by the free sodas he gets from his corporate sponsor.


Gamma overload. This round-trip is guaranteed to leave anyone watching it with a truly radiant smile.

iCloset 2.0

Not everyone wants to flaunt their Mac. This shows how to stay under the radar.


Here's the union’s recommendation about what to do with colleagues who have digestive issues: the Anti-Smell Version 1.2. Its new PET film keeps the good and bad airflows separate, and the nose happy. Includes osmosis free of charge!


This IT pro knows how to make an archway, even though the architectural style was already outdated in the Middle Ages. The Romans invented and used it first, after all.

  • ocilfa
    Ah darn...was hoping for a complimentary photo for #39
  • DJowns
    The first picture is what we call a Call of Duty extremist. The second picture is what we call a Battlefield extremist.
  • DJowns
    Oh I could have made my comment better if I had read the picture descriptions and didn't make myself look like an idiot.
    The storm is coming.
  • Divyanshu Sah
    The first picture is what we call a Call of Duty extremist. The second picture is what we call a Battlefield extremist.
  • ykki
    I think that some are pranks played by co workers and such.
  • babernet_1
    Help. I can only see the first slide. Then the second. After that it freezes and I cannot see any other slide or even go back to the first. I have Google Chrome and a cable modem.
  • HideOut
    The first picture is what we call a Call of Duty extremist. The second picture is what we call a Battlefield extremist.

    I can assume he's picking random, although battlefield maps are HUGE compared to CoD so maybe its the size of monitors and such he's refering too? My guess is he just picked the two and went with it. He's only old school if its TFC vs CS
  • TechyInAZ
    ill guess at pic 9: 500?
  • Grognak
    "somewhat reasonable". Right.
  • will1220
    The first two pictures are of the same setup in the same room, just things rearranged and different monitors.