Computer Bug Attacks MacBook Pro LCD Screen

No, it's not that type of computer bug. As seen in this video, a real live praying mantis is doing what many housecats do – attacking a mouse cursor.

From the YouTube video description notes:

  • The praying mantis is real, but it is hungry enough to try to catch and eat the cursor. He had been in the house for four days - prowling for insects around the ceilings.
  • The mantis was patient enough that we were able to set up lighting - as long as we kept moving the mouse.
  • (Notice how he keeps one foot on the top of the screen. Earlier he had tried to come down further, but skidded on the surface, and from then was more cautious).
  • No insects, cursors or mice were harmed in the making of this movie. The mantis was returned to the wild.
Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • XD_dued
    So...macs aren't impervious to bugs and flaws lol
  • buwish
    They do have incredible vision, hence why other bugs steer clear (amongst other attributes).
  • allyourbase
    while you were setting up lighting, you should have downloaded a bug-shaped cursor pointer... or one of steve jobs' face.
  • El_Capitan
    What would they do if they were face to face with a mirror?
  • shadow187
    That's why I don't buy macs. They're always so full of bugs.

  • haunted one
    allyourbasewhile you were setting up lighting, you should have downloaded a bug-shaped cursor pointer... or one of steve jobs' face.
    ++++ LMAO
  • AtuBrian
    put it beside a pc and it will pray to you
  • Vestin
    Looks like a playing mantis to me...
  • m-manla
    haunted one++++ LMAO
  • jrharbort
    I dunno, I think this ranks as possibly the best game on Mac.