Good Old Games Re-Launches, Today

As predicted, the "closing" of digital distribution service Good Old Games (GOG) was merely a marketing stunt to prepare gamers for the service's official launch. Previously the website was taken down and replaced with a message from the team announcing that it could no longer continue in its present state. GOG had actually been labeled as "beta" since it was launched by CD Projekt back in 2008.

But the supposed "closure" was somewhat abrupt and left many disappointed and wondering if the service was down for the count. However now the message has been replaced with a strange apology from the team. "First of all we would like to apologize everyone who felt deceived or harmed in any way by us closing down without any warning and without giving access to your games," the site current reads. "We apologize for that from the bottom of our hearts!"

Now it's a question of whether previous consumers will even return given the nature of its previous "closure." As Neoseeker reports, the halt in service was partially a prank, and partially due to a limited marketing budget. The team is already aware that work needs to be done to regain consumer trust.

So what doesl the new GOG offer? A virtual conference held by CD Projekt revealed a new design, new features, and the upcoming release of Baldur's Gate for $9.99--complete with the expansion and extra content. Other RPGs with the Dungeons & Dragons license will be arriving to the DRM-free platform as well. To learn more, check out the two videos listed on GOG's front page (one of which appears below).

  • jhansonxi
    Baldur's Gate is too old to be interesting. Baldur's Gate Trilogy and related mods would be a lot more compelling.
  • guruofchem
    Well, at least they aren't really gone, and I suspect the attention the stunt drew will outweigh the short-term angst experienced by those who already used the service. I like the idea a lot, and hope it will be successful going forward...
  • the_krasno
    Now I want to buy old games :D
  • Dirtman73
    I had a moment of panic when the rumor mill was saying a buyout from Valve was the reason for the temporary shutdown. GOG is a great service, and a Valve takeover would have meant GOG's catalog would be reduced to DRM material for the most part. As much as I love Steam, it's just another form of DRM.

    GOG is how the digital download business should work.
  • killerclick
    I think it's legal to download computer games that are more than 50 years old. So wait until 2049 and Baldur's Gate is yours for free.
  • cinergy
    jhansonxiBaldur's Gate is too old to be interesting. Baldur's Gate Trilogy and related mods would be a lot more compelling.
    Place is called Good Old Games you doofus. Go Steam and buy new games if eye candy is all you want.
  • TheStealthyOne
    Those sly dogs!
  • BulkZerker
    Good to know!
  • Hupiscratch
    Have someone here played Time Commando? I was a kid when I played it, and in my memories it was cool.
  • gsacks
    Those videos on the site were HORRIBLE! They should have played it straight. I've never used the service and am intrigued, but the videos left me with the distinct impression that these guys are 2nd rate at best.