Google Shooting for 4Q13, Sub-$1,500 Project Glass Release

Project Glass, or Google Glass, is currently in the hands of developers as they crank out applications for Google's new head-mounted display. The company originally began to sell early "Explorer" models of Glass to a select group of developers and early adopters during Google I/O back in June for $1500, and said that a consumer version was expected to hit the market in early 2014.

Then just days ago, Google opened up the pre-order program to "creative" individuals who want to be a part of shaping the future of Glass. "We’d love to make everyone an Explorer, but we’re starting off a bit smaller," the company said. "We’re still in the early stages, and while we can’t promise everything will be perfect, we can promise it will be exciting."

The offering seems more like a competition, as Google will select participants based on a 50-word (or less) written application, five pictures, and an optional 15-second video. Having a Twitter and/or a Google Plus account will also be a "plus" (pun intended). The deadline for applications is February 27th.

"If you are chosen, we will reach out to you with an invitation to become a Glass Explorer (please remember to follow us so that we can contact you directly)," Google states. "Explorers will each need to pre-order a Glass Explorer Edition for $1500 plus tax and attend a special pick-up experience, in person, in New York, San Francisco or Los Angeles."

Now a new report has surfaced claiming that the company is aiming to release a "fully polished" Google Glass for consumers before the end of the year, and to price it at less than $1,500. Naturally take this rumor as a grain of salt, as Google hasn't formally introduced a solid price or ship date. But the news stems from a very lengthy hands-on by Joshua Topolsky of The Verge which could have been something that was conveyed in his visit to Google HQ in New York City.

According to the report, the version tested by Topolsky tethered to an Android device or an iPhone via Bluetooth to grab a data connection due to a lack of an integrated cellular radio (likely to reduce the end-cost). However the headset was able to connect to a Wi-Fi network without the need for tethering, and grab its GPS coordinates thanks to an integrated GPS chip.

"It’s clean, elegant, and makes relative sense," he said. "The screen is not disruptive, you do not feel burdened by it. It is there and then it is gone. It’s not shocking. It’s not jarring. It’s just this new thing in your field of vision. And it’s actually pretty cool."

Want it? Yes we do. Now. Click here to see the latest teaser from Google.

  • toolman129
    Cool, it's only 5x more expensive than i thought it might be....
  • halls
    Wow, if Glass is going to be close to $1,500 then that kills any potential ownership for me. I figured it would be expensive, but damn!
  • halcyon
    I'll be getting one...looks nifty.
  • aoneone
    ha, biiig deal, I'm more interested in the Oculus Rift. Yeah yeah I know, Google is AR , Oculus Rift is VR.
    You don't know what Oculus Rift is huh? Ohhhh nevermind~ ^_^
  • d_kuhn
    I want them both, the rift for gaming and glass for everything else. What got me initially interested in glass is it's potential as a very cool HUD for motorcycle use... telemetry and navigation rolled into one display that doesn't require close focus to use means very fast minimally disruptive tracking of needed data while riding.
  • zeratul600
    as close as you get to get a hud to "play" your real life:)
  • pocketdrummer
    Too expensive and it looks ridiculous when you wear it.

    The idea is cool, but I'm going to wait a generation or two before I really consider it.
  • Junoh315
    aoneoneha, biiig deal, I'm more interested in the Oculus Rift. Yeah yeah I know, Google is AR , Oculus Rift is VR. You don't know what Oculus Rift is huh? Ohhhh nevermind~ ^_^
    That's a sneaky way of advertising. XD

    Anyways, I'd love to see something like the Google Glass used for combat overseas. Imagine being able to see what your fellow soldiers can see in the corner of your eye. Imagine being able to detect movement using Google Glass.

    Maybe Google should partner up with a game company so that they can make a game that advertises the Google Glass in it.
  • house70
    pocketdrummerToo expensive and it looks ridiculous when you wear it.The idea is cool, but I'm going to wait a generation or two before I really consider it.That's why it's called a PROTOTYPE....
  • blackmancer
    why so many cheapos on this site? I mean my computer was about 2.5 times the cost, and i didn't get no fancy pants glasses.