Sega Outs Pre-order, CE Edition Details for Aliens: CM

On Thursday Sega and Gearbox seemingly sealed the impending release of Aliens: Colonial Marines by disclosing pre-order and Collector's Edition details. The game is currently slated for a February 12, 2013 worldwide release, and will offer "a multitude of unique and exclusive content from the Aliens universe" including four playable characters from James Cameron's 1986 blockbuster movie.

The pre-order, which starts today, is a GameStop exclusive in North America. In return for thowing down money for the highly-anticipated shooter, players will receive a competitive multiplayer pack containing the four movie characters: Private Hudson, Corporal Hicks, Private Drake and Sergeant Apone. The content will also provide additional marines character customization options, and Ripley's awesome flamethrower.

As for the Aliens: Colonial Marines Collector's Edition bundle, it will cost $99.99 USD and come packed with the following list of goodies:

* High Quality Resin Powerloader Figurine in Limited Edition Xeno Hive Box
* Four Playable Movie Characters
   - Players will be able to fight for their squad’s survival and confront hordes of enemies as the original ALIENS film icons Private Hudson, Corporal Hicks, Private Drake and Sergeant Apone.
* Additional Marines Character Customization Options
* Ripley’s Flamethrower
* Exclusive Multiplayer Weapons
   - Sonic Electronic Ball Breakers
   - Phase Plasma Rifle
* Exclusive Game Level
* USCM Academy Firing Range
* USCM Dossier
  - Mission Brief
  - USS Sephora Schematic
  - Recruitment Card
  - LV-426 Recon Photo
  - USCM Iron-on Badges
  - USCM Graduation Certificate

Aliens: Colonial Marines will be available in stores across the globe on February 12, 2013 on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows PC. A release date for the announced Wii U version will be revealed at a later time.

UPDATE: Bummer. Based on GameStop's website and Sega's press images, looks like PC gamers will be left out of the pre-order bonus and Collector's Edition loop after all. Let's hope that changes before February.

  • skaz
    I remember the Alien toys when I was younger. The exploding "scorpion" alien was awesome.
  • Trialsking
    Hooray for dumbed down console shooter ports! I will gladly fork over $100 for a game that will be $19.99 on Steam 3-4 months after it is released....guaranteed! Oh wait the Steam version will not have the USCM Graduation Certificate, oh darn!!!!!
  • dark_knight33
    TrialskingHooray for dumbed down console shooter ports! I will gladly fork over $100 for a game that will be $19.99 on Steam 3-4 months after it is released....guaranteed! Oh wait the Steam version will not have the USCM Graduation Certificate, oh darn!!!!!
    It's not just about the game, it's also about the swag.

    What jerk-off made the decision to exclude PC gamers, and still kept his job?

    "Lets pick the more piracy prone platform, and take away the most compelling reason to actually purchase our product at full price. That'll show those darned PC gamers not to pirate games!"

    What a first class douche move. No PC CE edition just cuz? OK, fine, I'll buy it used just to screw them outta some extra cash from even a steam sale.
  • elcentral
    finally companies understand a special edition box can be more then only digital extras, i my self got the guild wars Ci loved the char you got with it.
  • Zingam_Duo
    How could American be such retards and fall for this pre-order crap? I do not understand. Americans blame banks for the bad economy, complain about mortgages, loans and stuff... And then they go pay money the do not own for things that aren't real yet??? Now that's ridiculous! That's way beyond rational human reasoning!

    If the thing is something really important, like something that could save life, I would understand that. But seriously preordering games??? That can't be real!
  • back_by_demand
    zingam_duoHow could American be such retards and fall for this pre-order crap? I do not understand. Americans blame banks for the bad economy, complain about mortgages, loans and stuff... And then they go pay money the do not own for things that aren't real yet??? Now that's ridiculous! That's way beyond rational human reasoning!If the thing is something really important, like something that could save life, I would understand that. But seriously preordering games??? That can't be real!Go hug a tree, hippy!
  • rantoc
    Few PC gamers would buy a CE edition of a console port, i think they made the right choice as many will just collect dust in retail - After all about 80% of the PC sales is made by digital downloads according to many experts (also explaining all the "poor" sales in charts as the real numbers aren't there, just the ancient retail in sites like vgchartz who rarely get the REAL sale numbers from the publishers).

    I just hope Gearbox make a solid PC version and not have it dumbed down with auto-aim and like that is needed to compensate for the very poor shooter performance of the console controllers. Also hope the PC gfx is made with today's PC cards in mind, not the old 7800gtx from the xbox (yeah, its "just" 7 years old gpu design in that garbage - sorry if it offends you but its the truth).
  • jigglylizard
    How could American be such retards and fall for this pre-order crap? I do not understand. Americans blame banks for the bad economy, complain about mortgages, loans and stuff... And then they go pay money the do not own for things that aren't real yet??? Now that's ridiculous! That's way beyond rational human reasoning!

    If the thing is something really important, like something that could save life, I would understand that. But seriously preordering games??? That can't be real!

    Wow. Talk about stereotyping and illogical. Firstly, people who preorder this might actually be spending money that they have. Not everyone is poor. Secondly, its normal to have a hobby. If you don't then life is pretty much not worth living (at least to me). Third, I doubt that the cause of the recession is pre-orders on video game collector editions... It might have to do with overly greedy corporations and mezzanine-level sub-prime mortgages being repackaged as AAA asset-backed investments, mortgage pools, and sold to investors who did not know they were basically being lied to and screwed. Finally, I doubt that in your life you have never spent more money than you should on something that was not "saving a life" as you put it.

    I don't get what you gain by posting random gibberish like that, other than patting yourself on the back.
  • atminside
    honestly this shouldn't be an issue. This game is nothing but a console port. Why would any PC gamer spend 100 dollars for a game that will feel and run like a dumbed down console game on their very expensive and powerful computer? I mean Randy Pitch"tard" and gearbox made ZERO mention of PC game play for Aliens: Colonial marines.....All they did was have an absolute boner for the Wii U, Xbox, and PS3 versions. So yeah I am going to wait tell this gets released on steam and buy it when it goes for 29.99 or better yet I might not get it at all. I just about had it with crappy console ports. I have bought too many and now it must end.
  • zak_mckraken
    zingam_duoHow could American be such retards and fall for this pre-order crap? I do not understand. Americans blame banks for the bad economy, complain about mortgages, loans and stuff... And then they go pay money the do not own for things that aren't real yet??? Now that's ridiculous! That's way beyond rational human reasoning!If the thing is something really important, like something that could save life, I would understand that. But seriously preordering games??? That can't be real!I could start a 10 pages rant about how dumb your comment is, but I'm just gonna break it up to you in one simple equation : Buying (games) = Helping the economy