More Star Trek Games On The Way

In a recent interview with, CBS Products vice president Van Citters said that new Star Trek games are in the works. He doesn't specify any platforms or genres, and there's no indication that a game is currently in development. However, he acknowledged the need for more traditional games outside the current MMOPRG, Star Trek Online, and the franchise's need to expand the gaming space in the long-term.

"There are definitely things in the works," he said. "There is a great deal of interest in developing new games for Star Trek and we will definitely have more to say about it in the future. I am very excited about what the future is going to hold for Star Trek gaming as a whole."

Star Trek Online is the first release since the launch of the $10 Star Trek DAC in 2009. Trekmovie pointed out that the gaming scene has been barren for some time, with the last handful of (lackluster) Trek games released by Bethesda from 2006-2007. The site also states that there are currently no game licensees.

For a franchise that ruled the 1980s and 1990s, the Star Trek mammoth has been somewhat stagnant since the turn of the century. The Voyager crew finally came home, wrapping up a 7-year trek that was only seen on UPN stations, the last film featuring the Next Generation crew-- Nemesis-- didn't fair well in the box office, and the fifth Star Trek TV series-- Enterprise-- struggled to accomplish four seasons.

  • teeth_03 > Anything Paramount wants to get published
  • teeth_03
    * I ment CBS
  • omnimodis78
    Can some developer/publisher just bite the bullet and actually produce one Star Trek game worthy of the lore and depth of the star trek universe? I swear, the thought has occurred to me that someone holding some sort of Star Trek copyright is sabotaging all the games for some reason because there's just no possible way that a franchise like Star Trek can't inspire the development of a truly great Trek game. Sheesh!!!
  • anamaniac
    omnimodis78Can some developer/publisher just bite the bullet and actually produce one Star Trek game worthy of the lore and depth of the star trek universe? I swear, the thought has occurred to me that someone holding some sort of Star Trek copyright is sabotaging all the games for some reason because there's just no possible way that a franchise like Star Trek can't inspire the development of a truly great Trek game. Sheesh!!!Amen brotha!
    I'm a trekkie, my fathers a trekkie, my grandmothers a trekkie, even an old, ugly and fat lesbain that helped renovate our old house was a trekkie!
    The fan base certainly exists.

    Star Trek with Kirk (William Shatner) was awesome. Scotty was the best actpr though (who doesn't like an old drunk with attitude?).
    Star Trek: The Next Generation with Picard (Patrick Stewart) was the best. Geordi and Data were both cool geeks.
    Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was horrible. I think I watched 3-4 episodes.
    Star Trek: Voyager with Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) was also pretty awesome. Tuvok and Seven-of-Nine were awesome.
    Star Trek: Enterprise with Archer (Scott Bakula) was watchable, but only because of the insanely hot T'pol (Jolene Blalock).

    I'm actually tempted to download every ST:TNG and ST:V up, and watch every single episode again.
    Good times. =)
  • psimitry1
    It's really kind of a shame that the Trek license has been so mishandled and abused over the years. It seems that Interplay was the only company that could ever produce a great Trek game (though Activision made some good ones - just not great), but for the most part it really seems like people make a crappy game, slap the Trek logo on it and expect it to sell. It's like the producers try to draw a line between producing just any crappy game with the Trek logo because "those idiots will buy anything" but not produce a great game because "that requires money and only Trek fans will buy it."
  • I just hope that new Trek games have quality.
    I would love it if BIOWARE got their hands on Trek and see what they do with it in a true RPG sense.

    Imagine elements from TNG: A Final Unity, Bridge Commander and Mass Effect, all rolled into one.

    That would certainly be a good base for a Trek game after all (at least in my opinion).
    Throw in a great story and over 40 hours of gameplay (not to mention sequels) and you can get something that allows you to experience Trek properly.

    Although, if they start catering to the lowest common denominator for bucks alone, then quality will likely not be a top priority.
    I want something intelligent that makes you think.
  • jgiron
    I would love to see 2 types of games.
    An FPS, updated version of Elite Force(?). Bigger levels, better weapons and class/ race types. Bring the Klingon's in with their hand to hand weapons.

    A real RPG but not just as a starfleet officer but allow the player to go rogue and explore the galaxy, select their own customizable ship, pick their own crew and do their own thing. Something like a Privateer.

    3rd game: Star Trek vs Star Wars?
    (just had to mention it)
  • sirmorluk
    I would like to see a sequel or a v 2.0 of "Birth of the Federation".
    Love that game. IMO it is the best ST game ever. I

    I have been a Trekker all my life and remember watching the show with my father when the episodes were in premier. I guess for that fact I personally think the best ST was TOS because it is of course is the progenitor.
    I didn't care for the Next Generation much, especially the Episodes with Wesley Crusher. I did like Worf and Data as well as Riker but thought Picard was a weak dweeb.
    I did enjoy the character development in DS9 and think of all the series it had the most in that department.

    If I had to put them in order of fav. to least fav. it would go.


  • zampolit
    LOL a lot of lackluster games? Well, STO is the worst of them. Thank gawd they've already allowed others to make games. Its time we get something with depth and quality. If we were stuck with STO due to license exclusivity, I would lose so much respect for the Star Trek genre on making such a bad business decision.
  • terr281
    What would be nice for a new Star Trek game would be a single player roleplaying game. Build your cadet, do various duties (ship and ground), get promoted, ... until you are your own captain. At this point, get assigned your first ship, then get to slightly customize your second ship, and nearly fully customize your third ship. (Example: Picard's movement from the Stargazer, to Enterprise D, to Enterprise E.)

    At that point, you can make the choice of continuing to play this "era," or be promoted to Ambassador (back to mostly ground missions) or Admiral (Command and Conquer tactical missions.)

    The inspiration for the above: Spore's delineated era system.
    As for my personal ranking of the television series, from high to low:

    DS9 (Overall story arc instead of being episodic.)
    TNG (Grew up watching it.)
    VOY (Overall story arc and got to watch it.)
    ENT (The show sunk because of its constant scheduling changes on UPN, thus I wasn't able to watch it.)
    TOS (I don't like Kirk as a captain. Spook's integration into TNG was wonderful, though.)

    In the end, I hope the reboot of the genre makes its way to the television. (I could easily see a Babylon 5 style series.)