Super Flower Extends Warranty on All PSUs

Super Flower, a German-Taiwanese manufacturer, has announced that it has increased the warranty terms on all of its power supplies. Previously, the standard warranty term was two years, though now the terms can be up to five years.

All of the current 80 Plus Bronze power supplies, as well as the 80 Plus and 80 Plus Silver units, will feature a three year warranty. The 80 Plus Gold and 80 Plus Platinum units will feature warranties that extend to five years. The high-end units with this five year warranty consist of a total of 22 units with a Platinum rating and 15 with a Gold rating.

Best yet, the increased length of the warranty also applies to units purchased in the past -- any unit purchased after April 1, 2013 will enjoy the added warranty.

Niels Broekhuijsen

Niels Broekhuijsen is a Contributing Writer for Tom's Hardware US. He reviews cases, water cooling and pc builds.

  • DarkSable
    Good on them.

    This makes me much more likely to recommend them when a Seasonic OEM isn't an option.
  • Sakkura
    Retroactive as well, not bad.
  • jnkweaver
    One of the best manufacturers out there. Glad they started to match Seasonics warranties.
  • Cy-Kill
    I've never even heard of this company until I read this article!
  • annymmo
    Super Flower seems to be turning out a really superb choice for my power supplies.
    Definitely recommend Super Flower PSU's for my friends and family (+internet strangers on message boards and comments on newsarticles).
  • jnkweaver
    11111570 said:
    I've never even heard of this company until I read this article!

    They are one of those OEM companies that make supplies for other companies. They make great supplies and are right there with Seasonic for quality.

    Here is a link to see who makes what supply,2913-4.html