Is X-Wing and TIE Fighter Making a Return?

For the past few weeks, we have been tossing around ideas about a top ten list featuring PC games we'd like to see return. Unfortunately, that's a task for more than one writer, as apparently we have different tastes. But one of the few titles we mutually agreed upon was the return of LucasArts' X-Wing and TIE Fighter flight sim series.

According to G4TV, that might actually be a possibility. Recently G4TV's Patrick Klepek interviewed LucasArts president Darrel Rodriguez concerning the company's future plans, and asked Rodriguez about his thoughts on bringing the two infamous Star Wars flight sims back; LucasArts just revived the Monkey Island franchise with The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition and Tales of Monkey Island.

"We don’t have any announcements now, but stay tuned," Rodriguez responded. "We will soon….." Obviously, the answer provides absolutely no information whatsoever, however what the comment doesn't include is a downright denial.

Bringing both the X-Wing and TIE Fighter franchises to Valve's Steam service seems more likely than new installments at this point. LucasArts recently unloaded a batch of older PC games onto the service including Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Star Wars Starfighter, and The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition.

Still, new additions to X-Wing and TIE Fighter would be preferable, taking advantage of the latest technology and perhaps even incorporating Nvidia's 3D Vision.

  • zjuice
    Tie Fighter is one of the first computer game I played, and still one of my favorite. They have my money if they re-release or make an updated version!
    What about Rebel Assualt :) loved those games
  • Honis
    I can't express what kind of good news this would be to me.
  • trevorvdw
    THQ should make a current generation of the Descent series since they own Volition anyhow...
  • God I would love to see this come back. The original X-Wing game was so good for its time. Can't even imagine what they could make it look like now.
  • Firehead2k
    "News" like this keep franchises like Duke Nukem Forever alive.
    'Good news is good news', 'bad news is good news', now we can add 'no news is good news'.
  • chaohsiangchen
    If they're not releasing a remake with modern graphics and revamped iMUSE, they'd better release it in original form plus a really good MIDI simulator (such as Gravis Ultrasound, or Turtlebeach Maui). X-Wing and Tie Fighter are probably as good as space-sim can ever be. I didn't remember how many flight sticks I have broken while trying to chase Tie Advanced.

    The next step might be to combine FPS into it. Jedi Knight IV anyone?
  • jhansonxi
    Considering the capabilities of modern hardware it would be impressive. There are some free space sims like Vega Strike and remakes of old ones like Descent (D2X-XL). For the old LucasArts games there appears to be independent servers for XW vs TF and XW Alliance like Errant Venture! (I haven't tried it). The main problem with space simulators is vertigo and getting lost which is even worse than with flight simulators.
  • jeraldjunkmail
    trevorvdwTHQ should make a current generation of the Descent series since they own Volition anyhow...

    Descent made me REALLY dizzy. But it was SO fun to blast the insane mining machines etc... Right up there with XW/TF
  • I think seeing those games on a console should make one wonder how in the world where we able to live with such a crappy graphics?