AMD's Latest Driver Boosts Fortnite, Adds Support for Project Cars 3, Avengers

AMD outed its Adrenalin graphics driver version 20.8.3 this week, and this is a big one. Not only does it add support for Project Cars 3 and the new Marvel's Avengers game, it also boosts Fortnite performance by up to 12% on an AMD Radeon RX 5700XT graphics cards and fixes a heap of issues.

We always get excited when drivers fix issues. It may seem like a never-ending cycle. but at least the effort is there. AMD's latest driver fixes some game crashes with Mortal Shell, eFootball PES 2020, and Surviving Mars, issues when running HDR in combination with FreeSync 2 (now called FreeSync Premium Pro), stuttering in CS:GO, and YouTube freezing on Ryzen 7 3000 and Ryzen 4000 APUs.

Meanwhile, the new driver also adds support for a handful of Vulkan extensions.

But it's not entirely problem-free. AMD also lists a number of known issues with the driver that, naturally, it's working on trying to fix for the next one. 

This link here will immediately download the Adrenalin Driver 20.8.3 from AMD's website.

Niels Broekhuijsen

Niels Broekhuijsen is a Contributing Writer for Tom's Hardware US. He reviews cases, water cooling and pc builds.

  • thisisaname
    But it's not entirely problem-free. AMD also lists a number of known issues with the driver that, naturally, it's working on trying to fix for the next one.

    While I accept that issues can be found after the driver released, releasing a driver with know issues is not on.
  • hannibal
    Well i am an old man and every time any gpu maker release drivers there are known issues, so you definitely are gonna be dissapointed also in future!
    Computer technology is build upon issues. In most time we can manage to live with them... and i have had Matrox, Nvidia, Ati, AMD, and so long time died brands that i can not even remember and the situation has always been this.
  • Avro Arrow
    thisisaname said:
    While I accept that issues can be found after the driver released, releasing a driver with know issues is not on.
    Is not on what? Navi has issues because it's not GCN anymore. After using the same GPU architecture for eight years, going to something completely new is bound to have problems. I've also found that people cause these problems themselves by not updating their chipset drivers. This is the reason that review sites rarely, if ever, see these problems and the same can be said for me. I'm always on top of my chipset drivers, graphics drivers and BIOS updates. Some people don't even know that chipset drivers are a thing. One of my friends was going to return his 5700 XT because he was crashing A LOT. I went over to his house, downloaded the chipset driver for his B450 motherboard and just by doing that, his crashes were no longer an issue. Then I updated his BIOS and he hasn't had a crash since. He now calls me a Card Sorcerer. There's a guy on YouTube from Portugal called "Ancient Gameplays" and he actually has a video about this:
    hannibal said:
    Well i am an old man and every time any gpu maker release drivers there are known issues, so you definitely are gonna be dissapointed also in future!
    Computer technology is build upon issues. In most time we can manage to live with them... and i have had Matrox, Nvidia, Ati, AMD, and so long time died brands that i can not even remember and the situation has always been this.
    Ah Matrox! I've actually been to their location in Dorval, Quebec. I'm old too because I remember non-ATi and non-nVidia card names like S3 Virge, Diamond Stealth and SpeedStar, 3dFx, Orchid, Oak, CirrusLogic, Hercules and SiS. Do you also remember names like Kalok, Maxtor, Micropolis Quantum hard drives? Or maybe Cyrix, AOpen, Zoltrix, Hayes and USRobotics?

    Those were the days my friend. In the 90s, there were so many video card makers that it seemed like something new was out every other week!
  • MasterMadBones
    thisisaname said:
    While I accept that issues can be found after the driver released, releasing a driver with know issues is not on.
    AMD has published known issues with each driver update for years now. I think it's fair, considering not all issues have the same priority and some can take months to fix. Nvidia and Intel drivers also have known issues, regardless of whether they make those issues public. This approach at least gives users the oppurtinity to decide beforehand which driver version is the best for them.