Asus Vows to Make Products Better Than Apple

In the world of computing, Apple has always been admired (or at the very least, noticed) for its design. No matter what a diehard PC may feel about Apple, there’s little argument that style is a big part of the company’s products’ luster.

Asus is now aiming directly at Apple. Instead of competing against rival PC OEMs, the Taiwanese computer maker is looking straight at making better products than Apple.

“Our goal is to provide products that are better than Apple’s,” said Jonathan Tsang, the vice chairman of Asus, in an interview with the New York Times.

Tsang added that Asus spends a large portion of its funds on engineering, which leaves little left over for marketing campaigns. Instead, Asus hopes to win over consumer spending with more innovative designs.

While Asus’ products today are rarely compared to Apple’s, there’s no question that Asus is innovating with its Eee product line. Asus pioneered the netbook with its early Eee PCs. Now Asus is working on a whole new computer form factor by putting the hardware directly inside a keyboard paired with a built-in screen, set for a release late June.

Asus will soon also compete against Apple in the mobile phone arena with its partnership with Garmin.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • Vettedude
    Hopefully they won't be super overpriced.
  • jacobdrj
    Well, when you aim for success, you aim at those viewed as the best. I just hope they aren't looking to do prices greater than Apples' as well...
  • radium69
    They already have better products then apple (I find.)
  • daft
    they are better than apple, maybe not aesthetically, but in shear function they are
  • jacobdrj
    Yes, to an extent, they do. Now they have to make it more prettyful.
  • tenor77
    I thought they already did.
    I'm on my 4th Asus mobo, and am very happy.
  • Marcus52
    Woohoo SWEET! Frankly, I don't think it will take all that much to crush Apple and take away it's computer market share - except of course for fanboys and girls who will buy Apple regardless.

    Asus gunning for the iPhone too is extra delicious. I think Asus might have the right attitude and common sense to realize that what you need to compete with it is a better product, not an 'almost-as-good' product.

  • They should have chosen a goal that they aren't already accomplishing. Their leaked 2010 goal roadmap lists "have 100% of employees breathe air". That may be hard for Asus to pull off as well.
  • IronRyan21
    Asus Mobos rock already...... and Apples mobos...well...sux
  • grieve
    ""Apple has always been admired (or at the very least, noticed) for its design""

    Indeed... Design is everything for Apple. They certainly don't have the superior hardware.

    Cudos to Asus whom ive always loved thier hardware.