Commodore To Return As Boutique PC Maker

The Commodore brand is to relaunch at CeBIT, it has been announced, as a boutique PC maker in the vein of Alienware of VoodooPC. As anyone who knows anything about gaming will tell you, Commodore originally made it big in the 1970's / 80's with the Amiga brand.

Now that the Amiga players are high-earning professionals it makes sense to try and lure them back to the Commodore brand with uber-expensive gaming machines.

Essentially we're seeing the Commodore brand being sold about in a similar way to Atari or other vintage computers, but more credible competition in the boutique PC maker market, particularly now that Dell and HP have essentially picked up two of the biggest players and made it their own, can't be a bad thing.

We'll hear more at CeBIT on March 15.