AMD Announces Net Loss in the Third Quarter

AMD has released its third quarter financial report, showing revenue for the third quarter of 2010 of $1.62 billion, a net loss of $118 million, or $0.17 per share, and operating income of $128 million.  The company reported non-GAAP net income of $108 million, or $0.15 per share, and non-GAAP operating income of $144 million.

“AMD’s third quarter performance was highlighted by solid gross margin and a continued focus on profitability, despite weaker than expected consumer demand,” said Dirk Meyer, AMD president and CEO.  “Our strategy to deliver platforms with superior visual experiences continues to resonate.  We look forward to building on this momentum when we begin shipping our first AMD Fusion Accelerated Processor Units later this quarter.”


Check out AMD's press release for greater detail into the numbers.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • formin
    the ground intel gained is the ground amd lost
    its a very exciting and epic battle that is driving technology forward so fast
    Both sides have shown great stuff in the past, cant wait to see whats in the future
  • TheRockMonsi
    Hope this doesn't eventually lead them to being bought out by somebody, like the rumors that recently rose up.
  • chickenhoagie
    AMD lost revenue because they price their products RIGHT..attah way AMD, i'll donate to you before any other company
  • They are really getting dragged down with AMD's failures to create truly competitive cpus. Could be a really bumpy road till Bulldozer/Fusion; and a massive downhill slide if they don't get out a massive per core performance increase to match Sandybridge. At least HD6000 is looking promising.
  • ehanger
    Not surprised, AMD makes slower CPU's than intel
  • ares1214
    Once they pay off debt, as most of this is probably interest, they should be fine. They have actually made a decent bit of money this year, both in GPU and CPU. ATi division has been very succesful lately, and should really help bring AMD out of the depression that was phenom and 2008-2009.
  • IzzyCraft
    Hopefully this doesn't become the norm for AMD :D
    9250188 said:
    Hope this doesn't eventually lead them to being bought out by somebody, like the rumors that recently rose up.
    Look up the past 2 3 years of AMD o=o
  • ohim
    ehangerNot surprised, AMD makes slower CPU's than intelNot surprised that AMD has losses becase ppl like you think AMD makes slower CPU`s ... take AMD at the same price and tell me what`s the difference.
  • chrisv815
    So sad. especially since I still own some AMD stock. I had to dump the AMD procs this year after years of loyalty (I still remember arguing with people how much better DDR was than RAMBUS or whatever intel failed with) When they stopped making any mobos that do SLI. I refuse to use their crossfire, and trying to ram it down my throat cost them the chip platform.
  • K2N hater
    stm1185They are really getting dragged down with AMD's failures to create truly competitive cpus. Could be a really bumpy road till Bulldozer/Fusion; and a massive downhill slide if they don't get out a massive per core performance increase to match Sandybridge. At least HD6000 is looking promising.What makes AMD processors slower than Intel's is the manufacturing process, not the projects. Intel could have dropped their prices aggressively to take AMD out of business but then AMD would have been acquired by IBM = big trouble.