Intel's Latest GPU Drivers Are Half the Size They Used to Be

Drivers are an integral part of the best graphics cards — without them, you only get baseline functionality, with no fancy 3D graphics, video encoding or decoding, upscaling, or all the other things we've come to expect. We compared driver download sizes for the latest GPUs in late January and found that Intel was strangely bloated. We must have caught someone's attention, as the latest 4255 drivers, which are also WHQL certified, are about half the size of January's 4090 beta drivers.

We mused at the time that maybe Intel was including some unneeded cruft, or maybe it just wasn't compressing things as much as it could. Whatever the case, there's been remarkable progress in just two months. I've got a collection of just about every Intel Arc driver release since launch. Here are the exact sizes of the downloads (which doesn't necessarily equate to uncompressed install size, but it's far easier to check), release dates, and other details.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Intel Arc Drivers Since Public Availability
VersionSizeRelease DateNotes
3259844 MB8/4/2022First widely available A380 drivers
3268846 MB8/22/2022A380 Spider-Man beta drivers
34901,365 MB10/11/2022Arc A770/A750 launch drivers
34911,365 MB10/17/2022Beta Game On driver for four new games
37931,197 MB10/27/2022Beta Game On driver for three new games
38021,197 MB11/18/2022Game On driver for four new games, performance optimizations for eight other games
39591,210 MB12/8/2022Game On driver for five new games, massive DX9 overhaul
39751,211 MB12/13/2022Beta Game On driver for three new games, DirectStorage support
40321,214 MB1/3/2023Launch driver for Raptor Lake-S (UHD Graphics 730)
40901,237 MB1/24/2023Beta Game On driver for two new games
40911,175 MB2/1/2023Launch driver for Raptor Lake-P mobile CPUs, desktop Arc Control mode introduced
41231,175 MB2/7/2023Beta Game On driver for two new games
41251,175 MB2/16/2023Beta Game On driver for five new games
41461,074 MB3/15/2023Game On for two new games, Raptor Lake-U launch driver
4148888 MB3/16/2023Beta Game On driver for two new games
4255604 MB3/23/2023Game On for RE4 Remake, performance optimizations and major size reduction

There are a few things worth pointing out, like the jump in size when Intel went from just supporting the A380 (and various existing integrated graphics solutions) to the official Arc launch drivers. Why the extra 500+ MB? Part of it was merging the Arc Control Center into the main driver download, and there were bug fixes and other factors that likely played a role. Later in October, the size dropped by about 170 MB.

From then until February, the size of Intel's Arc drivers remained pretty consistent at around 1.2 GB. Note that late January was when we wrote the piece about how bloated Intel's drivers seemed to be compared to AMD and Nvidia. By March, the first driver release that month had lopped off about 100MB in size for the Raptor Lake-U laptop launch.

The next day, a different driver came out, reducing the size by 186MB, but that was only the beginning. The current 4255 drivers that came out last night dropped another 284MB in girth. The running total of weight loss since October is at 761MB, making Arc a serious contender for the Biggest Loser: they're 44% of the drivers they once were! While we're not entirely sure about all of the details, Intel's driver blog states has this to say:

"Good things come in small packages — the Intel Arc graphics driver package, specifically. This latest driver release punches above its weight, now down to 604 megabytes from nearly double that when the Intel Arc desktop GPUs launch in October. Our engineers put the old 1.3GB driver download on a diet with smarter compression algorithms. This means faster updates so you can Game On even sooner with less bandwidth consumed, all with zero compromises in performance or features made."

I've provided a more detailed analysis of what's happened with the old versus new drivers in this forum post. Intel mentions a compression algorithm change (it looks like it went from from Zip to 7-zip), but that alone isn't enough to get the 50% reduction. 7-zip probably gets 10–20 percent higher compression, but there are two other major differences.

First, the old drivers packaged the full "Intel Driver and Support Assistant Installer" (around 229MiB), while the new drivers use a smaller version that likely downloads and installs additional stuff (it's 42.7MiB now). The second big difference is that eight DLLs (igd11dxva32.dll, igd11dxva64.dll, igd12dxva32.dll, igd12dxva64.dll, igd9dxva32.dll, igd9dxva64.dll, igvkMedia32.dll, and igvkMedia64.dll) in the old drivers are about 36.6MiB smaller. That data appears to be repeated content that is instead moved into two new DLLs (media_bin_32.dll and media_bin_64.dll) that are each around 29.3MiB in size.

Overall, the file format changes appear to have reduced the driver size by 420MiB, and the new compression algorithm upgrade gets somewhere around a 3.16-to-1 compression ratio, compared to a 2.0-to-1 compression ratio before. Regardless, smaller downloads are a good thing for anyone with a data cap. Says the guy who downloaded over 300GB of Large Language Models while poking around at chatbots last week.

Jarred Walton

Jarred Walton is a senior editor at Tom's Hardware focusing on everything GPU. He has been working as a tech journalist since 2004, writing for AnandTech, Maximum PC, and PC Gamer. From the first S3 Virge '3D decelerators' to today's GPUs, Jarred keeps up with all the latest graphics trends and is the one to ask about game performance.

  • Why the extra 500+ MB? We're not sure, but there were a lot of bug fixes and other factors that likely played a role. Later in October, the size dropped by about 170 MB.

    I'm not sure about earlier driver versions, but wasn't the "unexpected" increase in the driver’s size a result of INTEL combining both the Arc Control software and Iris GPU drivers under ONE package as of late ? Which has lead Intel to include compression algorithms in the latest release ?

    But like you mentioned it seems a bit odd that compression algorithms are the reason behind the shrink in file size. Btw, the drivers were also supporting both the desktop and mobile graphics side.
  • JarredWaltonGPU
    Metal Messiah. said:
    I'm not sure about earlier driver versions, but wasn't the "unexpected" increase in the driver’s size a result of INTEL combining both the Arc Control software and Iris GPU drivers under ONE package as of late ? Which has lead Intel to include compression algorithms in the latest release ?

    But like you mentioned it seems a bit odd that compression algorithms are the reason behind the shrink in file size. Btw, the drivers were also supporting both the desktop and mobile graphics side.
    I actually updated that paragraph, after some feedback from Intel. I forgot all about the Arc Control being a separate piece of software. The new version:

    "There are a few things worth pointing out, like the jump in size when Intel went from just supporting the A380 (and various existing integrated graphics solutions) to the official Arc launch drivers. Why the extra 500+ MB? Part of it was merging the Arc Control Center into the main driver download, and there were bug fixes and other factors that likely played a role. Later in October, the size dropped by about 170 MB."

    I don't think we'll get any statement as to any other fundamental changes. However, the file format has definitely changed. Version 4125 for example, if I open in 7-zip, I can't really find the file structure. With 4255, I can see what looks to be a normal layout. Also, 4255 extracts (via 7-zip) to 237 files, 11 folders, and a size of 1.86GB. So it has almost a 3:1 compression ratio. I really do wish I could see the same with earlier drivers. Well, I suppose I could try starting the install, see if they get extracted to a folder...

    Oh! That's fun. So 4125 extracts some stuff to the user\appdata\local\temp location, but then the main stuff goes into C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2D0756B5DBFB74417E9B06D2DDE3FBCD47A59DE5 (probably a random folder name). But all the file structure looks about the same. So, let me see... 235 files, 11 folders, and a size of 1.30GB. Wow, I'm not sure what to think about that. The old installer seemed to have a smaller installer?

    Ah! I figured it out. The older installer would unpack with a bunch of compressed files (*.dl_ for example). So if you inflate all of those it probably gets to be about the same size. The only two "new" files I can see are:
    03/22/2023 11:13 AM 30,599,648 media_bin_32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:14 AM 30,789,760 media_bin_64.dll

    But 4255 has this as well:
    03/22/2023 11:09 AM 18,034,160 igvkMedia32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:10 AM 19,019,736 igvkMedia64.dll

    4125 meanwhile has this:
    02/14/2023 02:21 PM 26,489,385 igvkMedia32.dl_
    02/14/2023 02:21 PM 27,003,231 igvkMedia64.dl_

    Considering the 4125 dl_ files are still compressed, it looks like there's just some stuff pulled out into a separate DLL now. But let's summarize. Here's the 4125 contents, expanded:

    C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2D0756B5DBFB74417E9B06D2DDE3FBCD47A59DE5>dir /a/s
    Volume in drive C has no label.
    Volume Serial Number is 6E57-D984

    Directory of C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2D0756B5DBFB74417E9B06D2DDE3FBCD47A59DE5

    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> ..
    03/24/2023 07:25 PM <DIR> Graphics
    02/14/2023 12:43 PM 8,844 installation_readme.txt
    02/13/2023 11:40 PM 80,030,712 installer.exe
    02/13/2023 11:40 PM 37,477 license.txt
    02/14/2023 12:44 PM 582,562 readme.txt
    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> Resources
    4 File(s) 80,659,595 bytes

    Directory of C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2D0756B5DBFB74417E9B06D2DDE3FBCD47A59DE5\Graphics

    03/24/2023 07:25 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:25 PM <DIR> ..
    02/14/2023 02:08 PM 36,827
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 33,069,176 clangFEWrapper.dll
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 26,379,336 clangFEWrapper32.dll
    07/08/2018 06:25 AM 375,173 ColorImageEnhancement.wmv
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 233,616 ControlLib.dll
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 186,576 ControlLib32.dll
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 1,125 cpa_32.vp
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 1,125 cpa_64.vp
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 2,572,396 cp_resources.bin
    03/24/2023 07:25 PM <DIR> CtaChildDriver
    02/14/2023 01:43 PM 22,474 cui_dch.inf
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 1,361,159
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 1,376,256
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 57,143 dev_32.vp
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 56,359 dev_64.vp
    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> DisplayAudio
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 16,736,480 DnnlPlugin.dll
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 7,284,896 enctools32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 8,372,208 enctools64.dll
    07/08/2018 06:25 AM 641,530 FilmModeDetection.wmv
    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> fw
    02/14/2023 02:08 PM 159,424 GfxDownloadWrapper.exe
    02/14/2023 02:08 PM 37,273
    02/14/2023 01:43 PM 9,826 GSCAuxDriver.inf
    02/14/2023 02:08 PM 89,792 GSCAuxDriverx64.sys
    02/14/2023 02:08 PM 37,291
    02/14/2023 01:43 PM 10,166 gscheci.inf
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 77,089 h265e_32.vp
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 13,807 h265e_64.vp
    02/14/2023 02:08 PM 36,827
    02/14/2023 01:43 PM 8,738 HdBusExt.inf
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 75,493 he_32.vp
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 13,227 he_64.vp
    03/24/2023 07:27 PM <DIR> I2CDriver
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 2,301,152 iga32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 2,869,360 iga64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 65,248,040 igc32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 73,144,840 igc64.dll
    02/14/2023 01:43 PM 6,260 igcc_dch.inf
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 4,550,992 igd10iumd32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 4,643,536 igd10iumd64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 2,322,968 igd10mg32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 2,410,160 igd10mg64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 23,997,808 igd10um32xe.dll
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 25,594,296 igd10um64xe.dll
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 16,921,704 igd10umt32xe.dll
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 18,380,368 igd10umt64xe.dll
    02/14/2023 02:13 PM 58,875,968 igd11dxva32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:14 PM 60,223,560 igd11dxva64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:15 PM 57,949,968 igd12dxva32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:15 PM 59,158,552 igd12dxva64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 93,720 igd12mg32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 118,808 igd12mg64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:16 PM 13,560,336 igd12um32xeh.dll
    02/14/2023 02:16 PM 12,819,688 igd12um32xel.dll
    02/14/2023 02:16 PM 14,057,824 igd12um64xeh.dll
    02/14/2023 02:16 PM 13,390,992 igd12um64xel.dll
    02/14/2023 02:16 PM 109,128 igd12umd32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:16 PM 147,920 igd12umd64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:17 PM 57,764,984 igd9dxva32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:18 PM 58,944,216 igd9dxva64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:18 PM 17,576,128 igd9trinity32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:18 PM 19,164,376 igd9trinity64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 203,288 igdail32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 236,568 igdail64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:18 PM 332,800 igdde32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:18 PM 410,272 igdde64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:18 PM 232,520 igdext32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:18 PM 294,040 igdext64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 1,082,376 igdfcl32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 1,144,240 igdfcl64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 3,352,296 igdgmm32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 4,310,920 igdgmm64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 123,048 igdinfo32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 149,488 igdinfo64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 55,007,904 igdkmdn64.sys
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 55,007,888 igdkmdnd64.sys
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 12,023,831
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 15,482,256 igdmd32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 20,088,952 igdmd64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 963,936 igdml32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 1,277,936 igdml64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:09 PM 5,939,720 igdrcl32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 6,853,128 igdrcl64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 1,820,288 igdumdim32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 1,764,552 igdumdim64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 165,440 igfx11cmrt32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 210,928 igfx11cmrt64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 164,416 igfxcmrt32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 207,816 igfxcmrt64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 400,528 igfxCUIServiceN.exe
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 405,048 igfxCUIServicePSN.dll
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 972,312 igfxDHN.dll
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 374,328 igfxDIN.dll
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 766,144 igfxEMN.exe
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 44,144 igfxexps.dll
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 45,624 igfxexps32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 346,816 igfxextN.exe
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 2,249,784 igfxLHM.dll
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 991,936 igfxSDK.exe
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 93,208 igfxSDKLib.dll
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 1,376,256
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 1,125 iglhxa64.vp
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 44,194 iglhxc64.vp
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 43,214 iglhxc64_dev.vp
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 43,760 iglhxg64.vp
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 43,732 iglhxg64_dev.vp
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 42,513 iglhxo64.vp
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 43,143 iglhxo64_dev.vp
    02/13/2023 11:34 PM 5,077 iglhxsn64.vp
    02/13/2023 11:34 PM 5,078 iglhxsnd64.vp
    02/14/2023 02:19 PM 4,159,064 igmlsblob64xeh.dll
    02/14/2023 02:20 PM 2,309,984 igmlsblob64xel.dll
    02/14/2023 02:20 PM 214,536 igsc.dll
    02/14/2023 02:20 PM 15,894,984 igvk32.dll
    02/13/2023 10:05 PM 135 igvk32.json
    02/14/2023 02:20 PM 17,134,552 igvk64.dll
    02/13/2023 10:05 PM 135 igvk64.json
    02/14/2023 02:20 PM 56,330,672 igvkMedia32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:21 PM 57,305,912 igvkMedia64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 14,900,280 igxehpgicd32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 18,345,496 igxehpgicd64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 14,255,160 igxelpicd32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 17,537,544 igxelpicd64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 14,255,112 igxelpplusicd32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:10 PM 17,537,544 igxelpplusicd64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:22 PM 78,822,168 igxess.dll
    02/14/2023 01:43 PM 433,418 iigd_dch.inf
    02/14/2023 01:43 PM 385,686 iigd_dch_d.inf
    07/08/2018 06:25 AM 403,671 ImageStabilization.wmv
    02/14/2023 02:22 PM 484,152 IntelControlLib.dll
    02/14/2023 02:22 PM 412,296 IntelControlLib32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 343,696 IntelCpHDCPSvc.exe
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 519,312 IntelCpHeciSvc.exe
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 228,544 IntelGFXFwUpdateTool.exe
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 132,104 IntelGpuCompiler32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 172,040 IntelGpuCompiler64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:22 PM 576,576 intel_gfx_api-x64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:22 PM 438,096 intel_gfx_api-x86.dll
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 363,528 Intel_OpenCL_ICD32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 500,792 Intel_OpenCL_ICD64.dll
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 42,485,712
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 23,927,880
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 6,285,176
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 5,670,056
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 43,248
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 1,028,224
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 2,362,008
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 38,566,232
    02/14/2023 02:23 PM 21,345,680 libmfx32-gen.dll
    02/14/2023 02:23 PM 22,932,912 libmfx64-gen.dll
    02/14/2023 02:23 PM 27,124,736 libmfxhw32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:24 PM 28,667,000 libmfxhw64.dll
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 81,366,600
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 505,936
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 555,088
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 365,576 LiteDB.dll
    02/14/2023 01:43 PM 3,886 memcntrl.inf
    02/14/2023 02:24 PM 8,523,056 mfxplugin32_av1e_gacc.dll
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 20,673,048 mfxplugin32_hw.dll
    02/14/2023 02:24 PM 12,429,840 mfxplugin64_av1e_gacc.dll
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 27,949,576 mfxplugin64_hw.dll
    02/14/2023 02:24 PM 690,744 mfx_loader_dll_hw32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:24 PM 927,840 mfx_loader_dll_hw64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:24 PM 2,496,976 mfx_mft_av1hve_32.dll
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 76,725 mfx_mft_av1hve_32.vp
    02/14/2023 02:24 PM 3,045,504 mfx_mft_av1hve_64.dll
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 13,635 mfx_mft_av1hve_64.vp
    02/14/2023 02:24 PM 2,496,976 mfx_mft_av1ve_32.dll
    12/12/2022 06:47 AM 76,724 mfx_mft_av1ve_32.vp
    02/14/2023 02:24 PM 3,045,504 mfx_mft_av1ve_64.dll
    12/12/2022 06:37 AM 13,634 mfx_mft_av1ve_64.vp
    02/14/2023 02:24 PM 2,351,744 mfx_mft_encrypt_32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:24 PM 2,865,208 mfx_mft_encrypt_64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:24 PM 2,487,656 mfx_mft_h264ve_32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:25 PM 3,031,032 mfx_mft_h264ve_64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:25 PM 2,500,528 mfx_mft_h265ve_32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:25 PM 3,049,648 mfx_mft_h265ve_64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 2,393,112 mfx_mft_mjpgvd_32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:11 PM 2,914,328 mfx_mft_mjpgvd_64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:25 PM 2,495,360 mfx_mft_vp9ve_32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:25 PM 3,043,928 mfx_mft_vp9ve_64.dll
    03/24/2023 07:27 PM <DIR> MiniCtaDriver
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 71,041 mj_32.vp
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 12,955 mj_64.vp
    02/14/2023 01:43 PM 36,130 MSHdaDac.inf
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 710,624 Newtonsoft.Json.dll
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 1,953 NLog.config
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 886,808 NLog.dll
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 17,432 OneApp.IGCC.COMLibrary.dll
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 26,648 OneApp.IGCC.CommunicationService.dll
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 877,592 OneApp.IGCC.CoreLibrary.dll
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 75,424 OneApp.IGCC.WinService.exe
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 1,673 OneApp.IGCC.WinService.exe.config
    02/14/2023 02:25 PM 60,955,512 opencl-clang32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:26 PM 82,147,576 opencl-clang64.dll
    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> oprom
    02/13/2023 10:04 PM 1,372 OSSCOPYRIGHT.txt
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 259,232 TeeDriverGscW8x64.sys
    02/14/2023 02:26 PM 136,040 UMED.dll
    02/14/2023 02:26 PM 288,304 UniversalAdapter32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:27 PM 342,112 UniversalAdapter64.dll
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 76,652 vp9e_32.vp
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 13,646 vp9e_64.vp
    02/14/2023 02:27 PM 445,976 vpl_dispatcher_32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:27 PM 505,832 vpl_dispatcher_64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 1,146,208 vulkan-1-32.dll
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 1,432,928 vulkan-1-64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 1,526,944 vulkaninfo-32.exe
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 1,970,336 vulkaninfo-64.exe
    03/09/2022 04:32 AM 4,008 VulkanRT-EULA.txt
    02/14/2023 02:27 PM 67,808 XeFX.dll
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 7,992,856 ze_intel_gpu64.dll
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 392,216 ze_loader.dll
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 477,720 ze_tracing_layer.dll
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 144,408 ze_validation_layer.dll
    210 File(s) 1,893,140,702 bytes

    Directory of C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2D0756B5DBFB74417E9B06D2DDE3FBCD47A59DE5\Graphics\CtaChildDriver

    03/24/2023 07:25 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:25 PM <DIR> ..
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 37,276
    02/14/2023 01:43 PM 4,160 CtaChildDriver.inf
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 36,512 CtaChildDriver.sys
    3 File(s) 77,948 bytes

    Directory of C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2D0756B5DBFB74417E9B06D2DDE3FBCD47A59DE5\Graphics\DisplayAudio

    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> ..
    03/24/2023 07:26 PM <DIR> 11.2
    03/24/2023 07:26 PM <DIR> 12.1
    0 File(s) 0 bytes

    Directory of C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2D0756B5DBFB74417E9B06D2DDE3FBCD47A59DE5\Graphics\DisplayAudio\11.2

    03/24/2023 07:26 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:26 PM <DIR> ..
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 40,136
    02/14/2023 01:43 PM 5,156,036 IntcDAud.inf
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 308,896 IntcDAud.sys
    3 File(s) 5,505,068 bytes

    Directory of C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2D0756B5DBFB74417E9B06D2DDE3FBCD47A59DE5\Graphics\DisplayAudio\12.1

    03/24/2023 07:26 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:26 PM <DIR> ..
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 39,910
    02/14/2023 01:43 PM 5,153,144 IntcDAud.inf
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 289,424 IntcDAudD.sys
    3 File(s) 5,482,478 bytes

    Directory of C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2D0756B5DBFB74417E9B06D2DDE3FBCD47A59DE5\Graphics\fw

    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> ..
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 2,101,248 dg1_gfx_fwupdate.bin
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 2,101,248 dg2_gfx_fwupdate_SOC1.bin
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 2,101,248 dg2_gfx_fwupdate_SOC2.bin
    3 File(s) 6,303,744 bytes

    Directory of C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2D0756B5DBFB74417E9B06D2DDE3FBCD47A59DE5\Graphics\I2CDriver

    03/24/2023 07:27 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:27 PM <DIR> ..
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 37,271
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 203,408 Intel_NF_I2C.sys
    02/14/2023 01:43 PM 3,682 Intel_NF_I2C_Child.inf
    3 File(s) 244,361 bytes

    Directory of C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2D0756B5DBFB74417E9B06D2DDE3FBCD47A59DE5\Graphics\MiniCtaDriver

    03/24/2023 07:27 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:27 PM <DIR> ..
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 37,255
    02/14/2023 01:43 PM 4,606 MiniCtaDriver.inf
    02/14/2023 02:12 PM 34,448 MiniCtaDriver.sys
    3 File(s) 76,309 bytes

    Directory of C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2D0756B5DBFB74417E9B06D2DDE3FBCD47A59DE5\Graphics\oprom

    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> ..
    02/13/2023 11:31 PM 1,048,576 dg1_c_oprom.rom
    1 File(s) 1,048,576 bytes

    Directory of C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2D0756B5DBFB74417E9B06D2DDE3FBCD47A59DE5\Resources

    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> ..
    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> Extras
    0 File(s) 0 bytes

    Directory of C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2D0756B5DBFB74417E9B06D2DDE3FBCD47A59DE5\Resources\Extras

    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 06:51 PM <DIR> ..
    02/14/2023 12:47 PM 240,123,600 Intel-Driver-and-Support-Assistant-Installer.exe
    01/27/2023 03:41 PM 231,801,016 IntelArcControl.exe
    2 File(s) 471,924,616 bytes

    Total Files Listed:
    235 File(s) 2,464,463,397 bytes
    35 Dir(s) 259,969,490,944 bytes free

    C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2D0756B5DBFB74417E9B06D2DDE3FBCD47A59DE5>
    Here's the 4255 contents (which didn't need expansion):
    C:\Users\jwalt\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS0E719120>dir /a /s
    Volume in drive C has no label.
    Volume Serial Number is 6E57-D984

    Directory of C:\Users\jwalt\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS0E719120

    03/24/2023 07:10 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:10 PM <DIR> ..
    03/24/2023 07:10 PM <DIR> Graphics
    03/16/2023 04:10 PM 8,936 installation_readme.txt
    03/16/2023 03:46 PM 80,029,616 Installer.exe
    03/16/2023 03:46 PM 37,477 license.txt
    03/16/2023 04:10 PM 582,760 readme.txt
    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> Resources
    4 File(s) 80,658,789 bytes

    Directory of C:\Users\jwalt\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS0E719120\Graphics

    03/24/2023 07:10 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:10 PM <DIR> ..
    03/22/2023 10:51 AM 37,295
    03/22/2023 10:52 AM 33,067,040 clangFEWrapper.dll
    03/22/2023 10:53 AM 26,373,128 clangFEWrapper32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 375,173 ColorImageEnhancement.wmv
    03/22/2023 10:53 AM 263,552 ControlLib.dll
    03/22/2023 10:54 AM 212,872 ControlLib32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 1,125 cpa_32.vp
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 1,125 cpa_64.vp
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 2,572,396 cp_resources.bin
    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> CtaChildDriver
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 22,474 cui_dch.inf
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 1,361,159
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 1,376,256
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 57,143 dev_32.vp
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 56,359 dev_64.vp
    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> DisplayAudio
    03/22/2023 10:54 AM 16,778,176 DnnlPlugin.dll
    03/22/2023 10:55 AM 7,691,320 enctools32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:55 AM 8,809,600 enctools64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 641,530 FilmModeDetection.wmv
    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> fw
    03/22/2023 10:52 AM 143,256 GfxDownloadWrapper.exe
    03/22/2023 10:52 AM 37,771
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 9,826 GSCAuxDriver.inf
    03/22/2023 10:52 AM 73,624 GSCAuxDriverx64.sys
    03/22/2023 10:52 AM 37,759
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 10,166 gscheci.inf
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 77,121 h265e_32.vp
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 13,803 h265e_64.vp
    03/22/2023 10:52 AM 37,295
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 8,738 HdBusExt.inf
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 75,569 he_32.vp
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 13,235 he_64.vp
    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> I2CDriver
    03/22/2023 10:56 AM 2,312,912 iga32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:56 AM 2,880,088 iga64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:56 AM 57,385,792 igc32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:57 AM 64,092,064 igc64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 6,260 igcc_dch.inf
    03/22/2023 10:57 AM 4,627,848 igd10iumd32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:57 AM 4,732,288 igd10iumd64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:52 AM 2,357,656 igd10mg32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:58 AM 2,449,888 igd10mg64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:58 AM 24,485,824 igd10um32xe.dll
    03/22/2023 10:58 AM 26,105,528 igd10um64xe.dll
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 17,220,632 igd10umt32xe.dll
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 18,715,976 igd10umt64xe.dll
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 20,466,416 igd11dxva32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:00 AM 21,828,984 igd11dxva64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:00 AM 19,496,376 igd12dxva32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:00 AM 20,706,144 igd12dxva64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:52 AM 94,104 igd12mg32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:52 AM 118,168 igd12mg64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:01 AM 13,688,872 igd12um32xeh.dll
    03/22/2023 11:01 AM 12,827,840 igd12um32xel.dll
    03/22/2023 11:02 AM 14,159,480 igd12um64xeh.dll
    03/22/2023 11:03 AM 13,405,840 igd12um64xel.dll
    03/22/2023 11:03 AM 109,056 igd12umd32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:03 AM 146,784 igd12umd64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:03 AM 19,318,192 igd9dxva32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:04 AM 20,504,152 igd9dxva64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:04 AM 17,601,360 igd9trinity32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:04 AM 19,233,024 igd9trinity64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:52 AM 224,152 igdail32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:52 AM 255,896 igdail64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:04 AM 334,272 igdde32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:05 AM 409,664 igdde64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:05 AM 231,400 igdext32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:05 AM 290,344 igdext64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:52 AM 1,087,896 igdfcl32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:05 AM 1,148,744 igdfcl64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:05 AM 3,357,320 igdgmm32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:06 AM 4,314,400 igdgmm64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:06 AM 125,032 igdinfo32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:06 AM 148,840 igdinfo64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:53 AM 52,522,440 igdkmdn64.sys
    03/22/2023 10:54 AM 52,522,440 igdkmdnd64.sys
    03/22/2023 10:54 AM 9,790,359
    03/22/2023 11:06 AM 11,460,624 igdmd32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:06 AM 15,462,520 igdmd64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:06 AM 1,017,544 igdml32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:06 AM 1,355,376 igdml64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:54 AM 6,174,616 igdrcl32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:54 AM 7,083,416 igdrcl64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:06 AM 2,352,736 igdumdim32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:06 AM 2,203,504 igdumdim64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:06 AM 166,392 igfx11cmrt32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:06 AM 210,344 igfx11cmrt64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:06 AM 164,856 igfxcmrt32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:07 AM 207,240 igfxcmrt64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:54 AM 384,408 igfxCUIServiceN.exe
    03/22/2023 10:55 AM 404,376 igfxCUIServicePSN.dll
    03/22/2023 10:55 AM 971,672 igfxDHN.dll
    03/22/2023 10:55 AM 373,656 igfxDIN.dll
    03/22/2023 10:55 AM 750,536 igfxEMN.exe
    03/22/2023 11:07 AM 43,520 igfxexps.dll
    03/22/2023 10:55 AM 45,000 igfxexps32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:55 AM 330,648 igfxextN.exe
    03/22/2023 10:55 AM 2,250,136 igfxLHM.dll
    03/22/2023 10:56 AM 976,280 igfxSDK.exe
    03/22/2023 10:56 AM 92,568 igfxSDKLib.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 1,376,256
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 1,125 iglhxa64.vp
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 44,194 iglhxc64.vp
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 43,214 iglhxc64_dev.vp
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 43,760 iglhxg64.vp
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 43,732 iglhxg64_dev.vp
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 42,513 iglhxo64.vp
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 43,143 iglhxo64_dev.vp
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 5,013 iglhxsn64.vp
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 5,014 iglhxsnd64.vp
    03/22/2023 11:07 AM 4,471,464 igmlsblob64xeh.dll
    03/22/2023 11:07 AM 2,460,200 igmlsblob64xel.dll
    03/22/2023 11:08 AM 213,928 igsc.dll
    03/22/2023 11:08 AM 16,041,080 igvk32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 135 igvk32.json
    03/22/2023 11:09 AM 17,355,568 igvk64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 135 igvk64.json
    03/22/2023 11:09 AM 18,034,160 igvkMedia32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:10 AM 19,019,736 igvkMedia64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:56 AM 15,066,520 igxehpgicd32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:56 AM 18,515,400 igxehpgicd64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:56 AM 14,738,328 igxelpicd32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:56 AM 17,865,160 igxelpicd64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:56 AM 14,738,328 igxelpplusicd32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:57 AM 17,865,112 igxelpplusicd64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:10 AM 88,117,520 igxess.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 444,048 iigd_dch.inf
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 387,002 iigd_dch_d.inf
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 403,671 ImageStabilization.wmv
    03/22/2023 11:11 AM 544,560 IntelControlLib.dll
    03/22/2023 11:11 AM 464,408 IntelControlLib32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:57 AM 327,112 IntelCpHDCPSvc.exe
    03/22/2023 10:57 AM 503,192 IntelCpHeciSvc.exe
    03/22/2023 10:57 AM 212,376 IntelGFXFwUpdateTool.exe
    03/22/2023 10:57 AM 130,968 IntelGpuCompiler32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:57 AM 169,880 IntelGpuCompiler64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:12 AM 576,008 intel_gfx_api-x64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:12 AM 437,536 intel_gfx_api-x86.dll
    03/22/2023 10:57 AM 362,904 Intel_OpenCL_ICD32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:57 AM 500,120 Intel_OpenCL_ICD64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 41,337,024
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 23,929,856
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 6,481,432
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 5,859,544
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 43,248
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 1,047,104
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 2,370,216
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 25,507,352
    03/22/2023 11:12 AM 21,414,792 libmfx32-gen.dll
    03/22/2023 11:12 AM 23,008,240 libmfx64-gen.dll
    03/22/2023 11:12 AM 27,124,128 libmfxhw32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:13 AM 28,666,424 libmfxhw64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 81,366,600
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 505,936
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 555,088
    03/22/2023 10:57 AM 364,952 LiteDB.dll
    03/22/2023 11:13 AM 30,599,648 media_bin_32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:14 AM 30,789,760 media_bin_64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 3,886 memcntrl.inf
    03/22/2023 11:15 AM 8,522,448 mfxplugin32_av1e_gacc.dll
    03/22/2023 10:57 AM 20,672,456 mfxplugin32_hw.dll
    03/22/2023 11:15 AM 12,428,720 mfxplugin64_av1e_gacc.dll
    03/22/2023 10:58 AM 27,948,488 mfxplugin64_hw.dll
    03/22/2023 11:16 AM 690,136 mfx_loader_dll_hw32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:16 AM 927,232 mfx_loader_dll_hw64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:16 AM 2,497,904 mfx_mft_av1hve_32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 76,773 mfx_mft_av1hve_32.vp
    03/22/2023 11:16 AM 3,048,008 mfx_mft_av1hve_64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 13,623 mfx_mft_av1hve_64.vp
    03/22/2023 11:16 AM 2,498,928 mfx_mft_av1ve_32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 76,784 mfx_mft_av1ve_32.vp
    03/22/2023 11:17 AM 3,048,008 mfx_mft_av1ve_64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 13,618 mfx_mft_av1ve_64.vp
    03/22/2023 11:17 AM 2,353,712 mfx_mft_encrypt_32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:17 AM 2,867,176 mfx_mft_encrypt_64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:17 AM 2,489,592 mfx_mft_h264ve_32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:17 AM 3,032,968 mfx_mft_h264ve_64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:17 AM 2,501,960 mfx_mft_h265ve_32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:17 AM 3,052,096 mfx_mft_h265ve_64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:58 AM 2,394,520 mfx_mft_mjpgvd_32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:58 AM 2,916,296 mfx_mft_mjpgvd_64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:17 AM 2,496,840 mfx_mft_vp9ve_32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:17 AM 3,046,392 mfx_mft_vp9ve_64.dll
    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> MiniCtaDriver
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 71,117 mj_32.vp
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 12,959 mj_64.vp
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 36,130 MSHdaDac.inf
    03/22/2023 10:58 AM 710,032 Newtonsoft.Json.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 1,953 NLog.config
    03/22/2023 10:58 AM 886,168 NLog.dll
    03/22/2023 10:58 AM 16,792 OneApp.IGCC.COMLibrary.dll
    03/22/2023 10:58 AM 23,448 OneApp.IGCC.CommunicationService.dll
    03/22/2023 10:58 AM 788,376 OneApp.IGCC.CoreLibrary.dll
    03/22/2023 10:58 AM 59,288 OneApp.IGCC.WinService.exe
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 1,673 OneApp.IGCC.WinService.exe.config
    03/22/2023 11:18 AM 60,954,928 opencl-clang32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:19 AM 82,146,968 opencl-clang64.dll
    03/22/2023 11:33 AM <DIR> oprom
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 1,372 OSSCOPYRIGHT.txt
    03/22/2023 10:58 AM 243,608 TeeDriverGscW8x64.sys
    03/22/2023 11:21 AM 135,968 UMED.dll
    03/22/2023 11:23 AM 289,256 UniversalAdapter32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:24 AM 342,056 UniversalAdapter64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 76,708 vp9e_32.vp
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 13,654 vp9e_64.vp
    03/22/2023 11:25 AM 445,392 vpl_dispatcher_32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:25 AM 505,216 vpl_dispatcher_64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:58 AM 1,213,472 vulkan-1-32.dll
    03/22/2023 10:58 AM 1,480,736 vulkan-1-64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 1,608,136 vulkaninfo-32.exe
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 2,173,848 vulkaninfo-64.exe
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 4,008 VulkanRT-EULA.txt
    03/22/2023 11:25 AM 126,088 XeFX.dll
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 8,351,640 ze_intel_gpu64.dll
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 397,208 ze_loader.dll
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 478,616 ze_tracing_layer.dll
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 145,816 ze_validation_layer.dll
    212 File(s) 1,618,505,662 bytes

    Directory of C:\Users\jwalt\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS0E719120\Graphics\CtaChildDriver

    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> ..
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 37,775
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 4,160 CtaChildDriver.inf
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 20,424 CtaChildDriver.sys
    3 File(s) 62,359 bytes

    Directory of C:\Users\jwalt\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS0E719120\Graphics\DisplayAudio

    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> ..
    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> 11.2
    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> 12.1
    0 File(s) 0 bytes

    Directory of C:\Users\jwalt\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS0E719120\Graphics\DisplayAudio\11.2

    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> ..
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 40,634
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 5,156,036 IntcDAud.inf
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 292,808 IntcDAud.sys
    3 File(s) 5,489,478 bytes

    Directory of C:\Users\jwalt\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS0E719120\Graphics\DisplayAudio\12.1

    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> ..
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 40,422
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 5,153,144 IntcDAud.inf
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 273,304 IntcDAudD.sys
    3 File(s) 5,466,870 bytes

    Directory of C:\Users\jwalt\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS0E719120\Graphics\fw

    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> ..
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 2,101,248 dg1_gfx_fwupdate.bin
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 2,101,248 dg2_gfx_fwupdate_SOC1.bin
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 2,101,248 dg2_gfx_fwupdate_SOC2.bin
    3 File(s) 6,303,744 bytes

    Directory of C:\Users\jwalt\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS0E719120\Graphics\I2CDriver

    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> ..
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 37,783
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 187,336 Intel_NF_I2C.sys
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 3,682 Intel_NF_I2C_Child.inf
    3 File(s) 228,801 bytes

    Directory of C:\Users\jwalt\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS0E719120\Graphics\MiniCtaDriver

    03/24/2023 07:10 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:10 PM <DIR> ..
    03/22/2023 10:59 AM 37,813
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 4,606 MiniCtaDriver.inf
    03/22/2023 11:00 AM 18,376 MiniCtaDriver.sys
    3 File(s) 60,795 bytes

    Directory of C:\Users\jwalt\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS0E719120\Graphics\oprom

    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> ..
    03/22/2023 10:31 AM 1,048,576 dg1_c_oprom.rom
    1 File(s) 1,048,576 bytes

    Directory of C:\Users\jwalt\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS0E719120\Resources

    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:09 PM <DIR> ..
    03/24/2023 07:10 PM <DIR> Extras
    0 File(s) 0 bytes

    Directory of C:\Users\jwalt\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS0E719120\Resources\Extras

    03/24/2023 07:10 PM <DIR> .
    03/24/2023 07:10 PM <DIR> ..
    03/06/2023 12:55 PM 44,797,192 Intel-Driver-and-Support-Assistant-Installer.exe
    03/09/2023 02:10 PM 239,947,424 IntelArcControl.exe
    2 File(s) 284,744,616 bytes

    Total Files Listed:
    237 File(s) 2,002,569,690 bytes
    35 Dir(s) 261,107,949,568 bytes free

    So after expansion, the new drivers are about 400MB smaller still. Interesting, not sure if that's all that changed, but there are a lot of smaller DLLs in the updated drivers.
  • JarredWaltonGPU said:
    I actually updated that paragraph, after some feedback from Intel. I forgot all about the Arc Control being a separate piece of software. The new version:

    "There are a few things worth pointing out, like the jump in size when Intel went from just supporting the A380 (and various existing integrated graphics solutions) to the official Arc launch drivers. Why the extra 500+ MB? Part of it was merging the Arc Control Center into the main driver download, and there were bug fixes and other factors that likely played a role. Later in October, the size dropped by about 170 MB."

    I don't think we'll get any statement as to any other fundamental changes. However, the file format has definitely changed. Version 4125 for example, if I open in 7-zip, I can't really find the file structure. With 4255, I can see what looks to be a normal layout. Also, 4255 extracts (via 7-zip) to 237 files, 11 folders, and a size of 1.86GB. So it has almost a 3:1 compression ratio. I really do wish I could see the same with earlier drivers. Well, I suppose I could try starting the install, see if they get extracted to a folder...

    Oh! That's fun. So 4125 extracts some stuff to the user\appdata\local\temp location, but then the main stuff goes into C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2D0756B5DBFB74417E9B06D2DDE3FBCD47A59DE5 (probably a random folder name). But all the file structure looks about the same. So, let me see... 235 files, 11 folders, and a size of 1.30GB. Wow, I'm not sure what to think about that. The old installer seemed to have a smaller installer?

    Ah! I figured it out. The older installer would unpack with a bunch of compressed files (*.dl_ for example). So if you inflate all of those it probably gets to be about the same size. The only two "new" files I can see are:
    03/22/2023 11:13 AM 30,599,648 media_bin_32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:14 AM 30,789,760 media_bin_64.dll

    But 4255 has this as well:
    03/22/2023 11:09 AM 18,034,160 igvkMedia32.dll
    03/22/2023 11:10 AM 19,019,736 igvkMedia64.dll

    4125 meanwhile has this:
    02/14/2023 02:21 PM 26,489,385 igvkMedia32.dl_
    02/14/2023 02:21 PM 27,003,231 igvkMedia64.dl_

    Nice observation and analysis, with breakdown on the file contents. (y)

    It's a bit confusing though, especially the final extraction size of the files in both the versions. But is there is a difference between igvkMedia32.dll and igvkMedia32.dl_ files (including the 64-bit version) ?

    I would assume the *.dl_ format is just more "compressed" ? Also, I presume the latest 4255 driver version still contains the Arc Control Center software included as well, and Intel has not completely nuked it out as well ?

    Since the code does say this , IntelArcControl.exe , 2 File(s) 284,744,616 bytes . So Intel did really used a smarter compression algorithm it seems.

    The previous 4125 version has this, IntelArcControl.exe 2 File(s) 471,924,616 bytes. So I would assume they made some changes to the ARC control Software as well ?

  • JarredWaltonGPU
    Metal Messiah. said:
    Nice observation and analysis, with breakdown on the file contents. (y)

    It's a bit confusing though, especially the final extraction size of the files in both the versions. But is there is a difference between igvkMedia32.dll and igvkMedia32.dl_ files (including the 64-bit version) ?

    I would assume the *.dl_ format is just more "compressed" ? Also, I presume the latest 4255 driver version still contains the Arc Control Center software included as well, and Intel has not completely nuked it out as well ?

    Since the code does say this , IntelArcControl.exe , 2 File(s) 284,744,616 bytes . So Intel did really used a smarter compression algorithm it seems.

    The previous 4125 version has this, IntelArcControl.exe 2 File(s) 471,924,616 bytes. So I would assume they made some changes to the ARC control Software as well ?

    Here's a better breakdown, in image format. Red is for files that got larger, green is for files (and folders) that got smaller. I've updated the end of the article to link to this post, and provided a bit of an analysis on the compression algorithm upgrade.

    Lots of stuff didn't change, but overall the new drivers eliminated at least 450M of uncompressed data. From what I can tell, the main difference seems to be that the new drivers put a bunch of stuff into media_bin_32.dll and media_bin_64.dll, whereas that same information was previously replicated in eight different files. The two new files are about ~30MB each, but the eight other DLLs are each about ~38MB smaller. So, fundamentally, if I'm right, by removing that duplicated data Intel shaved off around 300MB of file size and replaced it with 60MB. That's a 240MB difference. And then, as you noticed, there's "Intel-Driver-and-Support-Assistant-Installer.exe" which now appears to be a tool to download the installer (it's ~44MB) where before it was the full installer (~240MB). Those two changes taken together account for most of the ~460MB file size reduction.
  • JarredWaltonGPU said:
    Lots of stuff didn't change, but overall the new drivers eliminated at least 450M of uncompressed data. From what I can tell, the main difference seems to be that the new drivers put a bunch of stuff into media_bin_32.dll and media_bin_64.dll, whereas that same information was previously replicated in eight different files. The two new files are about ~30MB each, but the eight other DLLs are each about ~38MB smaller. So, fundamentally, if I'm right, by removing that duplicated data Intel shaved off around 300MB of file size and replaced it with 60MB. That's a 240MB difference. And then, as you noticed, there's "Intel-Driver-and-Support-Assistant-Installer.exe" which now appears to be a tool to download the installer (it's ~44MB) where before it was the full installer (~240MB). Those two changes taken together account for most of the ~460MB file size reduction.

    Excellent ! Now I get a much clearer picture. Nice finding though, and I appreciate the time and effort you put to analyze the data. Yes, it appears that current 60MB data (media_bin_32.dll and media_bin_64.dll) was previously 300+MB in size, so that does make a difference.

    Also, I think INTEL can also provide 2 different drivers of the same version to download. I mean, based on the Intel-Driver-and-Support-Assistant-Installer.exe file, they can use this as a full installer, similar to what we get on an offline download package, where the user does not have to install any other extra files from the internet, since the package contains ALL the files.

    Whereas, the other package can include just the TOOL itself for those who want an online installer of some sort. Both would be optional depending on user's needs. Of course, this idea sounds pretty silly and it's pointless to implement 2 files for the same version, but I have noticed some software packages come in 2 different flavors.

    Like an "offline" and "online" installer exe file, which differs in size, as it is named on some software download sites. Just saying.