'Luggable' PC is a Laptop From Another Age

Had portable computers not coalesced around the familiar laptop form factor, they might have looked like this, and indeed they did for a brief period in the 1980s. This wonderful ‘luggable’ build by PCPartPicker user Ragnar84, and noticed by Hackaday, harks back to those more innocent times, when things like being able to run on batteries, and being able to carry the machine were a secondary concern.

The luggable with the side off

(Image credit: Ragnar84)

Describing himself as a ‘video editor and semi-casual gamer,’ Ragnar84’s build should be up to the job. It’s not super-powerful, with an i3-10100 and GTX 1060, backed by 16GB of RAM, but then it is portable if you’re open to generously interpreting the word. 

The GPU’s HDMI output is redirected inside the case where it pushes a 15.6in 1080p 120Hz screen built into the side of the case. There’s a built-in USB speaker, a kickstand to tilt the whole thing back for more comfortable viewing, and a removable handle to carry the thing around with. The side panels are made from custom-cut aluminum and plastic - in fact the entire ITX-compatible case is custom-made, and at 17.2 liters is pretty small. Cooling is stock, with additional 80mm and 120mm case fans, and the whole thing runs off a 450W power supply.

“This custom case gives me all the freedom, power, and sturdiness of a tower, with unmatched portability for a custom build,” writes Ragnar84 of his build, adding: “I don't need this new PC to blow my main machine out of the water,” to explain the modest specs.

Ian Evenden
Freelance News Writer

Ian Evenden is a UK-based news writer for Tom’s Hardware US. He’ll write about anything, but stories about Raspberry Pi and DIY robots seem to find their way to him.

  • excalibur1814
    One word: No.
  • domih
    Compaq portable nostalgia :-)
  • thepersonwithaface45
    what in the goddamn..?!
  • ThatMouse
    If performance is the only factor, I think there are laptops better suited as a "luggable."
  • salgado18
    This is not what we meant by an upgradeable "laptop"... :sweatsmile:
  • hotaru.hino
    I'd call this more a "chonky all in one" ;)
  • Sippincider
    What an i9 iMac would look like with adequate cooling.
  • spongiemaster
    Based on how the low the specs are for this, I see no compelling reason to build and use this over buying a sub $1000 gaming laptop. If he had stuffed a 3080 and 11700k in this which you can't get in a laptop, then sure I could see a purpose.