Nvidia GPUs Used for Serious Business. Seriously.
It's not always fun and games.
Our primary usage for the latest and greatest GPUs are for getting smoother, prettier visuals from our games. But there's a whole other practical use for GPUs in industries outside of the enthusiast PC consumer.
Some of these applications of GPU technology were talked about at the GPU Technology Conference this week. In fact, if one were to judge the main use of the graphics technology from this particular day at the conference alone, one would easily conclude that GPUs were all for serious business.
Check out the Nvidia blogs below detailing the different applications.
GPUs Enabling Molecular Biology Research
GPUs Help Scientists Track Changes in the Sun
Conducting Virtual Surgery with BioDigital Systems and 3D Vision
The Foundry Talks Developing VFX for Film and Video on GPUs
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Emerging Companies Provide Insight and Inspiration for the GPU Community
CUDA Libraries Take Center Stage Day Two at the GPU Technology Conference
GPU Technology Helping Walt Disney Animation Studios Refine Early Stage Animation Efforts
zodiacfml Seriously, gamers are paying for the majority of R&D and production of these cards for serious business. I hope Nvidia can be more serious with us and AMD/ATI.Reply -
HibyPrime Somehow I knew this was going to be a Marcus Yam article lolReply
Not saying thats a bad thing, dont get me wrong. -
elel How can you say that it's all serious business? They list Disney as one of the applications!Reply -
alidan nvidia stopped giving a shit about gamers a while ago, you do know that right? i think it was around the time cuda was introduced, thats when they went there separate ways.Reply
gamers still get the benefits for now, but in all seriousness, i wouldn't be surprised if we saw nvidia make a "gpu" that was no longer a gpu, and just a means od accelerating cuda code only. right now they are eairly stage, so they have to rely on gamers still to push the sales to cover r&d, but in 5 years, they may push passed gamers, because big businesses, they will fork over 1000$+ a card, up to what 4000$. all you have to get the to do is get hooked on what the cards can do. -
Parsian well, they just forced feed their CUDA down the throat of industry. AMD/ATI Stream has not been as aggressive. I wish they were. But we will see.Reply -
liveonc alidannvidia stopped giving a shit about gamers a while ago, you do know that right? i think it was around the time cuda was introduced, thats when they went there separate ways. gamers still get the benefits for now, but in all seriousness, i wouldn't be surprised if we saw nvidia make a "gpu" that was no longer a gpu, and just a means od accelerating cuda code only. right now they are eairly stage, so they have to rely on gamers still to push the sales to cover r&d, but in 5 years, they may push passed gamers, because big businesses, they will fork over 1000$+ a card, up to what 4000$. all you have to get the to do is get hooked on what the cards can do.Reply
But if the future have games developed on Nvidia to be played on Ati, it's still good for gamers! There's something for everyone & what they're willing to pay. If they weren't interested in graphics, why are they still trying to make ION & Tegra? It's not that they don't try, but who's making it hard for people to buy? -
enzo matrix zodiacfmlSeriously, gamers are paying for the majority of R&D and production of these cards for serious business. I hope Nvidia can be more serious with us and AMD/ATI.No man. Businesses buy more and pay more. Why do you think the nvidia version of firepro is so expensive?Reply -
alidan you notice how hard they are pushint the main gpu, or at least how much they try to screw over the competitors cards? read up a bit on it, they are willing to push it that hard, or at least use to, and now after fermi they all but abandoned talking to gamers and focus so much more on the business side.Reply
if they cared about ion and tegra, at all, they would try to push those just as hard but they just dont.