Capcom's 'Monster Hunter World' Coming To Consoles

Capcom showed off Monster Hunter: World, a graphically impressive variant of its Monster Hunter franchise onstage at Sony's E3 PlayStation event today. This is a game that was mostly available on Nintendo’s family of devices, but now it's coming to the PlayStation 4.

The gameplay walks through the process of hunting a monster. After defeating some minor foes in an area, you can scavenge for items and resources to give you health or, in the case of the trailer’s particular monster, use your newfound resources to create a camouflage to hide your position and scent.

As is always the case with these special monsters, it’ll take more than a few hits to take them out. You’ll need to utilize traps and special attacks to cause heavy damage. Sometimes, you’ll also get lucky. In the trailer, a large winged creature also attacks the same monster, which turns a difficult encounter into an easy fight.

Capcom didn’t provide a specific date, but you can brush up on your skills in the Nintendo versions of the games before it comes on PlayStation 4 in early 2018.

  • clonazepam
    If Destiny 2 doesn't take over my life, I'll be looking at this for PC.
  • KirbyKirby
    Capcom later said this is coming to Xbox One as well as PC (!)
  • Rykion1
    YEAH!!!! Finally a Monster Hunter on PC!!
  • hotaru251
    As a big fan of MH series seeing a Rathalos called "a large winged creature" is painful.

    Great to see non ps2/wii/wiiu/3ds players will get to enjoy the series :)