'Nuka-World' Is The Final DLC For 'Fallout 4' (Updated)

Update, 7/6/2016, 5:35 p.m. PDT: Corrected the details on the content in the Automatron DLC.

There are three more batches of downloadable content (DLC) coming to Fallout 4. However, they will be the last pieces of content coming to the post-apocalpytic game.

According to a tweet from Pete Hines, Bethesda’s vice president of public relations and marketing, the Nuka-World DLC will be the final installment in the series of Fallout 4 add-ons. Currently, there are four pieces of DLC available. When Nuka-World arrives in August, Fallout 4 will have a total of six DLC packs available for purchase.

Compared to Bethesda Game Studios’ DLC work in Fallout 3, each of which introduced a new storyline, it seems that the focus of extra content for Fallout 4 was split between story and customization. Three of the six packs are Workshop-related content, which adds more custom parts to furnish your settlement. The first DLC released, called the Automatron, introduced a new storyline, location, and a robot companion. In addition, you were able to customize other robots with mechanical parts. The other story-based content was in Far Harbor, which came out in May, as well as the upcoming Nuka-World pack.

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DLCRelease DatePriceWhere To Buy
AutomatronMarch 23$9.99SteamAmazonPlayStation StoreXbox Store
Wasteland WorkshopApril 12$4.99SteamAmazonPlayStation StoreXbox Store
Far HarborMay 18$24.99SteamAmazonPlayStation StoreXbox Store
Contraptions WorkshopJune 20$4.99SteamAmazonPlayStation StoreXbox Store
Vault-Tec WorkshopJuly$4.99Steam

If you want to get all six DLC packs, there's a Season Pass for $49.99. The pass was initially sold at $29.99, but the studio raised the price in March.

Even with the studio halting production of additional DLC after Nuka-World, that doesn’t mean that you will be starved for content. Fans are still making mods for the game, and it’s just a matter of time until someone creates a new adventure in The Commonwealth.

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NameFallout 4
TypeOpen-World, Action/Adventure, Role-Playing Game
DeveloperBethesda Game Studios
PublisherBethesda Softworks
Release DateNovember 10, 2015
PlatformsPC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Where To BuyBethesda StoreSteamAmazonBest BuyTargetWalmartGameStop

Follow Rexly Peñaflorida II @Heirdeux. Follow us @tomshardware, on Facebook and on Google+.

  • hotroderx
    I can't wrap my head around DLC its content that really should have been included. Come on add-on's for building your settlement extra story line content Who do they think there kidding. They didn't just randomly think this stuff up. Then if you want all of it. All you have to do is pay 49.99. Basically the cost of Fallout 4 complete was 109.98. Think about it logically all companies have done is raised the price of video games by almost double and broken them into chunks calling the smaller chunks DLC.
  • JakeWearingKhakis
    I couldn't agree more. Far Harbor and Nuka World are the only ones I see as "Expansion Packs." If you break the prices down it was 60 for the game and 70 for all the extra content. $130.00... DLC has become a nightmare. You're telling me that those DLC's are worth more than the game itself? Most of them are in the same category as player made mods.

    I miss the old days where expansion packs were created after the success of a game was realized, instead of before the game was released. Patches/updates used to be part of the game purchase.
  • Bartendalot
    I have a feeling FO4 would have been made much better received if they had split in two parts instead of 6. Charge $60 for the game then $30 for a big DLC.

    The way it was released, I got bored about halfway through and dropped the game. Now I have doubts about the once infallible Bethesda when it comes to releasing quality.
  • If you wait a year, you'll probably get the GOTY edition with everything for $40.
  • JakeWearingKhakis
    Ha I know right?! Then in two years the GOTY edition will be on sale on Steam for $9.99.
  • Quixit
    18235333 said:
    I can't wrap my head around DLC its content that really should have been included. Come on add-on's for building your settlement extra story line content Who do they think there kidding.

    That argument might make sense for some games, but Fallout 4 shipped with an enormous amount of content in the initial release. I don't think it's that unreasonable to ask for money for the expansions. Perhaps the DLC is a bit underwhelming and overpriced. But you can't argue that Falllout 4 wasn't a complete game when shipped or that it represented a poor value for the price.
  • IInuyasha74
    I certainly agree that so far, Fallout 4's DLC content has been really lack luster. I haven't played Far Harbor yet, but I did play through Automatron and play with the other minor DLC content. All of that added up to what I would expect from like a $2.99 DLC pack. It was a few hours of extra stuff, but nothing special.

    Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 3 and far more extensive DLC content that added a great deal more to the game. Old World Blues had so much content it was like playing an entirely different Fallout game, as did Point Lookout for fallout 3. That was just one DLC pack for each, and maybe Cold Harbor is on par with those, but each of those games had three other major DLC packs too. I bought a season pass for $29.99, and unless they have something else coming maybe next year, then I'm going to be extremely displeased. Probably will be the last time I buy a new Fallout game. Instead, I'll just wait and buy it heavily discounted.
  • iam2thecrowe
    This is what i wait for with these Bethesda games, wait for all the DLC and bug fixes, then buy the game of the year edition.
  • jerrspud
    18235986 said:
    18235333 said:
    I can't wrap my head around DLC its content that really should have been included. Come on add-on's for building your settlement extra story line content Who do they think there kidding.

    That argument might make sense for some games, but Fallout 4 shipped with an enormous amount of content in the initial release. I don't think it's that unreasonable to ask for money for the expansions. Perhaps the DLC is a bit underwhelming and overpriced. But you can't argue that Falllout 4 wasn't a complete game when shipped or that it represented a poor value for the price.
    thank you for being to lone voice of reason

  • alidan
    18239881 said:
    18235986 said:
    18235333 said:
    I can't wrap my head around DLC its content that really should have been included. Come on add-on's for building your settlement extra story line content Who do they think there kidding.

    That argument might make sense for some games, but Fallout 4 shipped with an enormous amount of content in the initial release. I don't think it's that unreasonable to ask for money for the expansions. Perhaps the DLC is a bit underwhelming and overpriced. But you can't argue that Falllout 4 wasn't a complete game when shipped or that it represented a poor value for the price.
    thank you for being to lone voice of reason

    i can make a compelling argument that the engine, Gamebryo, has been stretched as far as it absolutely can be, and fallout 4 broke the engine so bad that nothing can play the game well... and i will continue to call the engine Gamebryo despite whatever bethesda calls it because it has all the quirks that came with morrowind sill in it when it comes to modding, then you add gameworks that cripples amd hardware due to a stupid amount of tessellation...

    content wise... the game is kind of meh... I got it and the season pass because i wanted a game where i could make my own guns, weapons, and armor... and low and behold it comes down to the modding community because bethesda cant put in new gun types or expand existing ones. honestly feel more than a bit a bit ripped off.

    With all bethedsa games i have to say quality hours playing the game, instead of total hours, and really, i have less then 2 hours from this game i will remember in the coming years, value wise, this game was absolutely horrible.