'Fallout 4' Automatron DLC Revealed: Beware The Mechanist (Update: Available Now)

Update, 3/22/16, 7:35am PT: Fallout 4 Automatron is available now. Bethseda also announced that more DLC packs are forthcoming: In April, we'll see "Wasteland Workshop," an expansion of settlement capabilities, and May will bring about "Far Harbor," which the company said is the "largest landmass Bethseda Game Studios has ever created for post-release content." More DLC is coming throughout the year, including Survival Mode and the Creation Kit. The latter will let you share mods you built on the PC with consoles.

Original article:

Bethesda will release the first add-on for Fallout 4 on March 22, bringing new quests, enemies and companions to the Commonwealth Wasteland.

The antagonist of the Automatron DLC is named the Mechanist. Fans of Fallout 3 likely recall a different character by the same name that used an army of robots to fight the Ant Queen. Although these characters look somewhat similar, and both pull from the fictional in-game world of the Silver Shroud, the Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 Mechanists are entirely different people.

In Fallout 3, the Mechanist tried to take on the role of a hero defending a town, but he ultimately was causing more harm with his dangerous robots. It isn’t clear what the Mechanist in Fallout 4 plans to do, but judging by a video trailer of the DLC, it looks to be along the lines of conquering the Commonwealth Wasteland.

Besides the new quest line and the assortment of new items that are added with every DLC, there is one particularly exciting new feature added to the game: the ability to build robot companions. These new robot companions are completely customizable and can be built with parts scavenged throughout the wasteland. Their voices and color schemes are also customizable.

The new DLC is priced at $9.99 if you didn’t already purchase the Fallout 4: Season Pass that included all of the DLC. You can still find the Season Pass on some sites for $29.99, but Bethesda officially raised the price to $49.99 earlier this month. The company has two additional DLC packs, the $4.99 Wasteland Workshop and the $24.99 Far Harbor, that will be released in April and May of this year, respectively.

Until those additional DLC packs are released, have fun building robot minions to kill raiders for you.

Update, 3/14/16, 1:00pm PT: Corrected release date.

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Michael Justin Allen Sexton is a Contributing Writer for Tom's Hardware US. He covers hardware component news, specializing in CPUs and motherboards.
  • Bojak
    22nd March not today.... o.0
  • falchard
    I'm not ready for this. My character is only level 36 part way through the main story quest on survival difficulty the whole way with charisma build. Too busy with Black Desert Online to get up to 50. Oh well, I guess I will just have to enjoy this and the next DLC at the same time.
  • It was the AntAgonizer in Fallout 3 not the Ant Queen. :P Also surprised it's not the same guy as the costume is very similar. His name was Scott Wollinski in Fallout 3.
  • BorgOvermind
    Doesn't seem something special, but considering that for Fallout 3 and NV the DLCs were actually better than the initial release storyline I'm looking forward to any F4 DLC.

    What needs a fix in F4 are the repetitive spam missions. It's not a MMO, such things should not be there.
  • IInuyasha74
    17661829 said:
    It was the AntAgonizer in Fallout 3 not the Ant Queen. :P Also surprised it's not the same guy as the costume is very similar. His name was Scott Wollinski in Fallout 3.

    lol I know but she was acting in the role of an ant queen over the hive.

    @BorgOvermin: I totally agree on the missions. I am so tired of being called in to protect towns and go on missions from towns to kill raiders or something. I'm tired of the constantly respawning items too. What is the point of scavenging an area clean, when everything you just took will respawn in like two in-game days. You could just not go through that stuff again, but all kinds of weapons, chems, armor pieces spawn too which makes it just as worth hitting again as an unknown area.
  • falchard
    BorgOveemind, Preston Garvy wanted me to pass a message along to you. There is a settlement that needs your help. He will mark it on your map.
  • WhyFi
    The "largest landmass Bethseda Game Studios has ever created for post-release content."

    That's big.
  • Afrospinach
    What needs a fix in F4 are the repetitive spam missions. It's not a MMO, such things should not be there.

    What would you replace them with? Nothing? I mean, there is a reason fallout 4 is as big as it is and they stopped there. They are never going to continuously develop content.
  • Pedasc
    What needs a fix in F4 are the repetitive spam missions. It's not a MMO, such things should not be there.

    What would you replace them with? Nothing? I mean, there is a reason fallout 4 is as big as it is and they stopped there. They are never going to continuously develop content.

    Actually with all its problems the Radiant Quest system in Skyrim was able to not be this annoying and kept new quests coming.
  • Non-Euclidean
    The "largest landmass Bethseda Game Studios has ever created for post-release content."

    That's big.

    I thought some of the FNV content was huge. Zion was lovely and Lonesome Road seemed pretty big, but it was more linear.