AMD Radeon HD 6700: "Twice the Horsepower"?

AMD hasn't officially announced anything with regards to the next generation Radeon HD series. We know it's coming, but there's no official word on models, specifications or clock speeds yet.

What we do have are potential leaks and the speculation that comes with all of that. This chart has been leaked from two different sources showing the performance leap that will come from the Radeon HD 6700 "Barts" series. It's all unconfirmed, but we certainly hope that they're true, given the claims of significant performance improvements.

The chart below comes from Napoleon of ChipHell fame.

(via VR-Zone.)

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • kewlx
    Now thats what I need!
  • sirmorluk
    Come on hard release! I am so glad I waited rather than upgrade all my machines to the 5xxx series. I was just one click away from upgrading every machine in my house and luckily I resisted the urge.
  • sirmorluk
    Looks like it uses more power though in both idle and load.
  • iboomer
    Alright, what did I miss? The 6770 from the chart above, look to me, like it is barely on parr with the 5870. Sure it has some pluses, but why would I go out and spend more money on the newer card when I could get the same performance out of the older one? Not that I know the first damn thing about video card performance, I am still running an 8800 GTS.
  • areszues92
    Damn, now I'm contemplating whether to buy a GTX 460 or these juicy looking barts gpu's
    Can't wait! i may get a 6770! (to replace my 3850 :P)
  • mitch074
    Maybe it'd be worth replacing my 4850...

    Nah. Not for how much I use it now.
  • ivanlucrazy
    Am I blind? I can't find anything there that points to "Twice the Horsepower"
  • Tamz_msc
    Less SPs, less Texture units;more core and memory clocks when you compare the 6770 with the 5850.So it will perform about the same( or slightly less).But it looks interesting with the 6750 - a good improvement over the 5770/5750.
  • 6770 = 5770 not 5870, 5870 = 6870 which is not listed in the chart