Samsung to show USB LCD at Cebit

Hannover (Germany) - Samsung will unveil a new LCD that can be connected to a PC via an integrated USB port, according to an article published at When connected to a PC via USB, the 19" Syncmaster 940UX appears as a removable storage device in Windows, which contains a setup routine that installs a virtual graphics card as well as a USB display driver, Heise reports.

While a USB-connected LCD cannot be used as primary monitor, the new approach allows users to connect up to six LCDs (and up to three virtual graphics cards) as extended monitors to their PC. According to Samsung, the display will require a significant amount of CPU horsepower to channel visual data through the USB port. For multiple displays, the company recommends a dual-core processor with a clock speed of at least 2 GHz.

Heise said that the display could become available during the first half of 2007 and should cost less than 430 Euros (about $560).