Nanodot Memory 100X Faster Than Today's Memory Chips

According to a paper published in the current issue of Applied Physics Letters, the device uses non-conducting material that integrates horizontally aligned, non-overlapping silicon nanodots (Si-QD), each of which has a diameter of about 3 nm and represents a single memory bit. The storage function is provided via a metallic layer on top of the nanodot surface that is employed as a metal gate to control the on and off stages of the nanodots.

The published paper claims that the operating voltage of the non-volatile memory device is 7 volts and the program/erase speed of the nanodots is less than 1 μs. The storage process itself uses brief bursts of green laser light to target specific regions of the metal gate layer and reach individual nanodots. The scientists also claim that the "materials and the processes used for the devices are compatible with current main-stream integrated circuit technologies" and "can also be applied to other advanced-structure devices."

There was no information on the capacity of the memory device and a possible production beyond a lab scenario.

  • iceman1992
    The thing is, these things don't matter much to consumers until REAL products arrive. Like the super dense batteries, super quick charge batteries, carbon heatsinks, etc., yeah they sound awesome but I'm waiting for actual market release.
  • alyoshka
    This is the future.........
  • deksman
    Its not just about the actual market release.
    I think the point here is that numerous technologies that are much more advanced have been developed throughout our industrialized history, but few have made it to full-scale production.
    It might be the case with this technology as well.

    Keep in mind that whenever similar things are published, they often get forgotten only to re-appear online years later, and disappear again.

    Its also not a question of mass production at lowered costs.
    We could have easily done all of that some time ago with numerous other technologies.
    But keep in mind that the market doesn't work by suddenly transitioning to technology that's for example 100x more powerful/efficient.
    Companies make more profits in the long run by making smaller revisions of existing technologies, slowly incorporating some minor features and overcharging the consumers simply because they can.

    Technology that is in use today is highly stagnant actually.
    Its quite sad really.
  • fuzznarf
    100x faster @ 4kb capacity :(
  • Onus
    7V? How much power does this technology use? How much heat does it generate? At first glance, this may be fine for Big Iron, but I don't see it "Coming soon, to a laptop near you!"
  • keyanf
    So... just under 14 years?
  • madooo12
    the thing uses LASER so it's hard to replace NAND in some small size applications, like the HDD is too big to fit in your phone

    still looking forward for products using this technology
  • alidan
    ill be dead before any exciting tech comes out, sucks being 24 right now... ill die just as tech gets advacned enough for me to be interested in it again.
  • zodiacfml
    green laser? hmm....HD manufacturers already has technology similar to this using very fast burst of laser to flip magnetic properties of the material.
  • southernshark
    alidanill be dead before any exciting tech comes out, sucks being 24 right now... ill die just as tech gets advacned enough for me to be interested in it again.
    Think how I feel at 40............

    But yes I agree with you. There are too many people scared of new tech who are holding us back. Look at this website........ 1/2 the posts on here are people lamenting newer/better/faster.

    The good enough crowd....

    And this is a tech website. Imagine the mentality of the general public.